Trail Conditions Forum

Mud? Ice? High water at stream crossings?

This is the place to let the trail community know what you encountered, where and when (be as precise as possible). Suggestion: Make the trail or park name your subject.

To report serious trail problems that need Trail Conference attention, including illegal trail use issues, visit our Contact Us page. Problems reported through our Contact Us page get to the maintainers fast and reliably. Problems reported on the forum below may help fellow trail users avoid problem areas until they get fixed, but not all maintainers read this regularly.


fwrunner2015's picture

Hey guys; I read back in Nov 2019 that the normal access from Hudson Terrace via the footbridge is closed for 2 years during construction on the North walkway of the GWB. Access has been re-routed to south of the GWB from within PIP. From the GWB south walkway, turn LEFT onto Hudson Terrace, pass underneath the roadway, then turn LEFT immediately at the traffic signal. Go into the park, then... I have not been in the PIP in a long time, so I don't know where I need to go after I enter the park from Hudson Terrace. I do know that the LP passes underneath the GWB, but do I need to use the Carpenters Trail to access the LP, or is there a way to get to it before you descend to the river? Thanks for your help FW
Daniel Chazin's picture

The trail alert that was posted on the website was not clear as to what you should do when you reach Hudson Terrace.  Rather than turning left and entering the park, one must turn right onto Hudson Terrace and follow it north for about half a mile to the Carpenters Trail.  You then follow the Carpenters Trail a short distance to the Long Path.

marlowe55's picture

Does anyone know where to get colored metal trail markers? I am working to create and mark trails in a park in Yonkers, Leslie Sutherland Park, and have had a very hard time trying to find out where to get these. I think you all know the kind I mean -- they are either square or round, usually nailed into a tree, in different primary colors to designate different routes. Any guidance will be greatly appreciated!!!
fwrunner2015's picture

As far as I know, all trail coordination in the area is handled by the NY/NJ Trail Conference. I think you would need to contact their offices in Mahwah NJ at this telephone #: (201) 512-9348
marlowe55's picture

I have tried to contact the Trail Conference, and have emailed them, but it is impossible to get someone there to respond and give me the basic information I'm looking for!
tree188's picture

I have seen plastic ones, pre-cut ,on E-Bay or Amazon. Here is a current example on E-Bay. There are other ones there too. Good luck, thanks for your commitment and work maintaining the trails. We are in your debt.
CanadianRoots's picture

This past weekend a friend and I stayed overnight at the stone memorial shelter. It was nice to see it in good shape with a new roof and sleeping floor. I do have a few questions though... Is there a reason the fireplace was completely removed and not restructured? That used to be one of my favorite places to stay in the winter with the central fireplace it kept the shelter warmer than others with side mounted fireplaces. Also why was the roof not sealed to the top if the stone? The wind can really get under there and it got quite breezy in the shelter. Unrelated to the shelter was all the destruction behind the shelter in the woods road due to the work on the shelter? The woods road back there was at least 20 feet wide now. We also encountered 3 people on ATVs that came past the shelter down the woods road from deeper in the park, I assume heading out.
PVPatrick's picture

ATV riders ride illegally in this section, and other sections, of the park regularly. Occasionally, one of them dies accidentally. Despite these facts, the park and local authorities do nothing to stop it. They are mostly, but not only, children riding vehicles provided and encouraged by their parents disrespect of the law, nature and other's rights to enjoy themselves in a peaceful manner in our state park preserve. Try calling the park rangers or the State Park Police and you will get no reaction unfortunately. The clearing of the woods road was performed(from what I heard from the shelter builders) to allow the driving of a backhoe vehicle to the shelter site to assist lifting the larger wooden beams made from trees that were felled from the cleared areas behind the shelter. Similar clearing activities have been done in recent years at the man-made dams at the lakes in the park as part of some kind of new maintenance effort apparently. Really ugly results with broken foliage and diesel fuel/oil spills.
Frosty's picture

Hello All! Does anyone know if there is snow, ice, or mud on the trails in Southern Harriman State Park, particularly in the Pine Meadow trail area ? If so how much? TIA!!
fwrunner2015's picture

I am quite familiar with the Devils Path, having hiked most of it, but I haven't hiked there recently.

I believe I know where the steel rungs were installed, having hiked from Twin summit into Pecoy Notch several times. In one spot, there was a narrow ledge with quite steep dropoff on one side where I had to grab onto a small tree to stabilize myself while carrying a heavy pack. There were also several other places on the trail coming down the west side of Twin where I can see that steel rungs would be useful.

So, I'm wondering whether the vandalism of the rungs installed earlier this year was an act of pure vandalism - kids getting drunk, etc, or whether it was done by someone with a different view of what the experience of hiking the Devils Path should be. In other words, someone who detested the installation of the rungs as a method for less experienced hikers to hike the trail safely.

I have no real opinion one way or another. While I consider myself an experienced hiker, and have never had a problem anywhere in the Cats, Daks, or even the Whites (NH) without the addition of climbing aids like rungs, I can also appreciate their usefulness, especially when carrying a heavy pack and/or when trail conditions are not optimal.


psr7777's picture

At the intersection of the R-D and the 1777e trails there are several tree branches blocking the 1777e trail. In addition, many of the trail markers on the R-D from the Cornell Mine Trail to the 1777e intersection are worn away or hard to read. The new plastic markers should replace those painted markers.
fwrunner2015's picture

Running the trail from GWB to park HQ today, found many areas overgrown with high grass & weeds. Several low hanging branches to avoid.
cmalanga255's picture

Two spots where trees are down on the Doodletown Bridle Path. One is right at the intersection with 1777W trail (had to be climbed over), the other is about halfway to Fawn Trail which can be climbed under without pack on. Doodletown road heading out of town towards 1777W and Doodletown Bridle Path intersection (towards June Homestead) is significantly overgrown (almost zero forward visibility) and there is a downed tree that must be climbed over.
msb's picture

Hello everyone. I had an overnight planned near Slide Mountain this weekend, but now I'm not sure based on the weather. Should I cancel? Would you? Thanks
fwrunner2015's picture

I ran the LP from the GWB to Park HQ this morning. There are numerous (at least 3) blowdowns and then there is one really nasty little branch sticking out into the path at about eye level. I believe this was south of Rockefeller Lookout, but not sure. The blowdowns will need large saws, but this eye hazard won't need much more than a hacksaw to clear of the path. I till try to get a better location in the next couple of days.
91762's picture

Anyone have any current info (I'll probably have to ask again after "this week's nor'easter") on trail conditions in Harriman; snow, snow pack, snow melt, ice? I'm planning a scout backpacking trip for next weekend. Thanks.
nick.papadonis's picture

Hi Folks, It's my understanding fracking is occurring or may be in planning stages for many NY state locations. It's also my understanding that some of the current or planned fracking sites may interact with both DEC managed park and other lands. I searched for more information on this, where I hoped to find GPS coordinates (or a map) of these sites, however found little information. I thought I would at least find a map for the NYS parks, however again found little information. The only information I found shows a vague map of shale deposits towards the Western park of New York. This map actually contradicted other information I observed about these sites being in parts of the Catskills and Adirondacks, which are further North. For the sake of understanding this better, does anyone have knowledge of these sites or guidance on where the information exists? I would expect at least the NYNJ trail conference to actively be promoting such accurate maps to inform the public. Thanks so much, Nick
mem's picture

Hello, I've seen conflicting reports online about whether Breakneck Ridge is open for hikers coming from the Metro-North station. Some websites seem to indicate that it closed down on January 1 and that the train is no longer stopping there; however, others have said that they have hiked the trail in January, and I've been on several Metro-North trains that have stopped at the station. Is the trail still accessible to those of us coming off the train, and if so when is it projected to close down and re-open?
Jeremy Apgar's picture

This project has not yet started, so trailheads are open and the Metro-North stops are open as usual.  The latest update is that the project will begin in Spring 2018, assuming construction bids meet the project's requirements and one is selected.

You can keep up on the latest updates at, or follow us on Facebook or Instagram for periodic updates.

nypdranger's picture

I recently bought a pulk on Craigslist and I wanted to break it out this weekend. Can anyone advise if there is any snow on the cross-country trail at Lake Sebago? Thank you.