Trail Conditions Forum

Mud? Ice? High water at stream crossings?

This is the place to let the trail community know what you encountered, where and when (be as precise as possible). Suggestion: Make the trail or park name your subject.

To report serious trail problems that need Trail Conference attention, including illegal trail use issues, visit our Contact Us page. Problems reported through our Contact Us page get to the maintainers fast and reliably. Problems reported on the forum below may help fellow trail users avoid problem areas until they get fixed, but not all maintainers read this regularly.


91762's picture

What are the plans for Route 106 this winter? Any closings - if so, where, dates? Are any of the parking areas on TC Map 118 effected?
RichardL's picture

I called the park police today to ask about Route 106, they told be that "the park section" was closed on 12/1.
johnm's picture

Available information is that the park expects to close the section of 106 that is a park Road. Whether or not it will be closed on Dec 1 as with other selected park roads as in past years or possibly delayed until first snow fall or freeze, I have not learned.  When closed we can expect it to be closed from just west of the Kanawauke Lake parking lot to Rt. 17 with two possible exceptions: Possibly the road will be open from Rt. 17 to the small pull-off for the Parker Cabin Hollow Trail, and also possibly the Ramapo RIver Access (between the Ramapo RIver and Thruway Crossing of 106 just east of Rt. 17) may be kept open, though it would not be priority for immediate attention.   Though the Kanawauke lot is expected to be available, note that no official or maintained trails are available from that lot except if one walks westerly on the road to the various trail crossings.  Walking the road when there is limited travel is not a bad experience (minor useage occurs as needed for a few residences and possible need for camp access.) 
bsweet's picture

The trailhead at Arden Point on Lower Station Road (right by the Garrison train station) has parking for about two cars.  On Monday I went there to take a hike and there is a No Parking Anytime sign posted now.  Does the TC know why that sign has been posted there and what our alternatives are other than paying to park at the station lot?
Jeremy Apgar's picture

Parking for this trailhead on Lower Station Road is available in the train station parking lot, which is free on weekends but has a fee during weekdays.  The nearest alternative parking area is at the Garrison Institute and Glenclyffe a little further south on Route 9D.  From the parking area off the entrance road, you can follow trails up to Arden Point or as a loop around the Glenclyffe property.  Both of these parking areas, and the trails themselves, are shown on our East Hudson Trails map of the area.The "No Parking Any Time" signs have been up in that area since at least 2013, and likely even longer ago than that.  I'm unsure the specific reason for the signs, but I might suggest that section of road is fairly narrow with hardly any shoulder, so authorities may have decided for safety concerns to restrict parking at that small shoulder area at the trailhead.~Jeremy, TC Cartographer
tree188's picture

10/24/2015  Hiked this section on this date, starting @ Sam's Point and taking out at the Aumick Rd. access.  Trail was clear and in good condition, however, the SRT / LP split could be better marked.  Puchin by marsh areas of Mud Pond in need of rehabilitation.  Bad condition.  Trees were in full color.  Probably the best of the best, I suspect the leaves will either be browning mostly or coming down.  See them while you can!  Trails were busy, nice to see so many folks using the trails.
banjolady's picture

we wanted to do a basic popolopen circular from ft montgomery, going down on 9w to the PG trail and then crossing the spectacular bridge  (thank you trail conference builders)  and climbing the torne and going back on the TT.  there is a lot of construction on 9w now making it very challenging to do the hike this way. we ended up parking at brooks lake park and just going in from there and picking up the timp torne--i didnt want to take a chance with no sidewalk while walking 3 dogs...
NYHIKER60's picture

I hate to put this right up front online, but with all the changes made to the trails in Harriman State Park without the trail conference knowledge this will be putting your new maps into obsolescence very quickly.
Daniel Chazin's picture

I assume that your comment relates to the difficulties that hikers have had in following the Beech Trail in the area of Tiorati Brook Road (see comments below).  The Trail Conference is well aware of what is going on there -- the Park is replacing a bridge, which has resulted in a temporary interruption of the trail route.  The bridge should be completed within the next month, at which time the trail route will be restored.  The Park does not make changes to the trails without notifying the Trail Conference, and your concerns about our maps becoming obsolete are without basis.
jbeard's picture

I wanted to do a loop using the LP, Beech, and Red Cross today, but could not, because the bridge on Tiorati Brook Road is being rebuilt. Big hole and lots of heavy equipment there today.  Does anyone know how long this work will take, and block the trail? Jonathan's picture

The trails are not affected by the road work, & a couple of weeks ago, I ran down the road with no problem getting past the construction, I hope that helps.
jbeard's picture

I don't think you could have done that yesterday.  Big crew, lots of machinery, deep hole, and barricades.  Jonathan
Schwinn1979's picture

Did this hike a few days ago. I was able to cross the stream on the rocks just before the bridge and rejoin the trail at the woods road.
srtmaintainer's picture

tree188's picture

9/27/2015  Sunday Hiked from the Shawanga Lodge Rd access to Rt 52, Cragsmoor.  Trail was clear, no other hikers met.  Evidence of the spring fire is still present but new growth is rapidly hiding the damage.  Missed the yellow access trail on the LP & SRT by Rt. 52.  We were not sure if we just missed the intersection or if the blazes were down.  Added a four mile hike to RT 52 & up 52 to get back to the parking lot.  Ouch!  My feet are sore........   Top is marked OK. We will check this out again on the next section hike to see what happened.  If you are in the area and planning to use the access trail, be aware of this potential problem at the bottom end. Trees are starting to turn color but nothing major yet.  Also saw what looks like a new quarry across the valley by the airport.  Sorry to see what looks like a clear cut and strip mine operation.  Angry yellow jackets on the trail.  Got bit or stung once.  It was speculated that they're angry that the season is over and they're about to die.  Therefore they have attack everything to remind people of their existence.
jbeard's picture

Is there any safe place for cars to park for the Stonetown Circular Trail and the others--such as Horse Pond Mountain Trail--that connect to it?  I drove to Stonetown Road, then to the end of White Road, and was shooed off by a hostile resident. There was a dodgy-looking dirt road to the side that might work, but it was not inviting. She also warned me of "three giant bears" in the woods. She was not Goldilocks. So I drove to Lake Riconda, which does have a tiny cul-de-sac at the end of the road, and parked there. That would not hold more than 2 cars comfortably. Both of these locations are marked with a P on the trail map, but they are less than ideal. Jonathan
Willy's picture

I had to laugh when I saw your post because one time I parked on White Rd next to the trailhead for the connector trail and some guy came out and "warned" me about a 600 pound bear up in the woods. I think the residents of White Rd. think they own the road, which clearly they do not. My car was still there when I returned from the hike and I saw no bears (although I'm sure there are some in that neck of the woods). I have parked at the Stonetown Recreation Complex on Mary Roth Drive  Take County  511 to Westbrook Rd and make 1st right onto Stonetown Rd. The complex will be on your left. The trailhead for the Stonetown Circular Trail is directly across Stonetown Road from the Mary Roth Drive entrance (there is no sign for Mary Roth Dr., however) You can also park on County  511 at large gravel lot opposite E. Shore Rd. The Highlands Trailis very close to the gravel lot and  will take you up to junction with Horse Pond Mt Trail. Hope this helps.
Estelle's picture

the gravel parking lot referred to is CLOSED.   Park Police have closed it off due to illegal swmming in the river further up the road.    Stonetown Rec Complex is the best option for parking.   
NYHIKER60's picture

Like the poster before me, I also saw some construction equipment but along the Victory Trail near the lake.  It seems as if there is some work being done and I wish the trail conference would know about this.
janelevenson's picture

On Sat Sept 5 , we came upon major equipment Bulldozer, etc) and construction like site in MIDDLE OF BEECH TRAIL (near Tiorati Brook Road but on trail). No detour noted though both sides of trail were fine except for big impediment. We scrounged around, crossed over dirt at work site. There may have been a good place to dtour but not marked--not even masking tape,etc. No one on hike had seen this before in spring or a bit later. Jane Levenson