Trail Conditions Forum

Mud? Ice? High water at stream crossings?

This is the place to let the trail community know what you encountered, where and when (be as precise as possible). Suggestion: Make the trail or park name your subject.

To report serious trail problems that need Trail Conference attention, including illegal trail use issues, visit our Contact Us page. Problems reported through our Contact Us page get to the maintainers fast and reliably. Problems reported on the forum below may help fellow trail users avoid problem areas until they get fixed, but not all maintainers read this regularly.


ron6788's picture

Thanks for the reminder.  Closed to motor vehicles but a great opportunity for biking and running!
mikej165's picture

I was thinking of starting a hike this weekend from the lot adjacent to Island Pond Road. Can someone tell me if the stretch of 106 from Rt 17 is open yet or when it might reopen? Thanks.
jbeard's picture

Hiked a loop from Johnsontown Rd. Circle, using Blue Disc, White Cross, Victory and White Bar. Lots of running water and only a little ice. Finally could not go north on the Victory when we encountered a stream 10 feet wide, running fast.
joerichkus's picture

Yes, I hiked that day too.  It was my first hike since I cracked my tailbone on the Hillburn-Torne-Sebago Trail on a patch of ice under a coating of snow earlier in January.  Water was high everywhere that day.  Stoney Brook was really ripping.  I took the Kakiat Trail from Tuxedo train station to Stoney Brook Trail (Via fallen tree where the bridge used to be) to Pine MEadow Trail and out to the SLoatsburg train Station.  A moderate hike to regain my former level of conditioning.  IT was a cold and grey day but so good to be out on the trails.
Michael K7's picture

The SM shelter needs some repairs to the floor. There is a section with weak/loose boards, with one broken piece and a small hole. Anyone planning to use this shelter should be cautious, as it feels like the floor could give way in that spot if enough weight is placed on it. The TC has been notified, and has passed the info on to the appropriate Park Dept.
jbeard's picture

  I hiked a loop from Lake Skannatati parking, using the ASB, LP, White Bar and Dunning. About half the time the trail was dry and clear, most of the rest of the time it was packed snow. Stream crossings—lots of water is flowing—were tricky. Some rocks and logs were icy.
kviola's picture

Planning an early morning hike this Saturday Feb 6 up Hook Mtn.. the loop trail. Anyone know trail conditions/probably the snow will melt away next couple of days. Also wondering if that lower parking lot is open.
Lone Ranger's picture

hey thinking of hiking deep hollow around to Claudius smith den tomorrow, anyone know now conditions? Good for snow shoes possibly?
banjolady's picture

Microspikes. We.. were in that area on Wednesday and everything was mushy but nothing that deep. Conditions are very changeable it was a little icier today further south at reeves meadow
jamison.tilsner's picture

I'm curious what the current conditions are on the AT near Arden Valley Road in Harrmiman. Any thoughts on microspikes versus snowshoes this weekend?
daniloworks's picture

Hi, I am thinking of doing a jog/hike from the GW bridge to Nyack this Sunday, 1/31/16. Does anyone know how things look on the trail right now? Icy? Muddy? Ok? Any info is appreciated. Thanks, DT
Dave A's picture

Does anyone know if the parking area for Cascade Lake Park (Warwick NY just over the NJ border) gets plowed in the winter? Thanks.
banjolady's picture

does anyone know how much snow there needs to be before the snowmobiles start using lake welch drive?
joerichkus's picture

Yesterday I was on the HTS (Hillburn-Torne-Sebago) trail, heading north, and between the Racoon Brook Hills Trail and the gasline cut.  At a point where the trail descends into a birch forest, I slipped on ice that was under the thin layer of snow and slammed down on the base of my spine.  I slipped again later at another similar point of sloped and hidden ice.  I should have been wearing traction aids but neglected to bring them as I didn't realize that there would be many places on the trail that were quite icy.  Just be forewarned.  It's time to start carrying microspikes or stabilicers in the pack.
banjolady's picture

its tricky because until today there was ice only sporadically on the trails and wearing traction aids could be more annoying than helpful. after today all bets are off--may need snowshoes!!
af8567's picture

Planning a short trip from the Water Gap to High point SP for the spring. I'm wondering when the best time to plan would be regarding weather. I'd like to be over 40 degrees over night and have the foliage begining to grow in to block some wind. I understand the weather is a moving target but I can't find historical averages for specific times of the year to plan when to go. I'm thinking early April?? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Estelle's picture

This part of NJ doesn't really get foliage cover until we are into May.     I agree, AccuWeather is good for giving some long range forecasts.  Probably best to check as it gets closer to the time you want to hike.  Depending on the rest of this winter, early April could still find snow on the trails at the Gap and up at High Point.      good luck!
Schwinn1979's picture

I personally like Accuweather - it will give you historical averages for any city you ask (high-low avg temps, ect) As far as the foliage Im not really sure.
banjolady's picture

someone told me they heard that harriman park was going to be expanded into the NW part of the park near mt aramah. i looked around and could not find any info on this. has anyone heard this??? my friend said it was in the orange county paper a few weeks ago but i couldnt find it...thanks
tree188's picture

12/20/2015 Trail was clear and easy to follow.  About 25 people were met on this section, over the day's trip, enjoying the lack of snow and cooler weather.  Nicest part are the ledges on both sides of Peter's Kill & Falls in Minnewaska State Park.  The trail in the Mohonk Preserve has some great views to the north of the Catskill Mountains, now that all the tree leaves are down.   The only annoyance is the $12 per person fee to walk through Mohonk Preserve.  Seems a bit expensive and excessive, compared to the fees the Palisades Interstate Park Commission charges to park and gain access to Minnewaska.  Probably will not go here again at this price.