Protecting the Palisades

Update date: 
August 14, 2014
2012 to 2014
Issue in brief: 


A Landscape Worth Defending: The New Jersey Palisades.

New Jersey Palisades cliffs. Photo by Anthony Taranta, courtesy PIPC Archives

Photo by Anthony Taranto, courtesy PIPC Archives

In October 2012, the Borough of Englewood Cliffs, NJ, amended its zoning code to permit construction of buildings 150 feet in height in an area along the Palisades Interstate Park. The limit was previously 35 feet. The change would detrimentally impact this iconic and environmentally sensitive landscape. The park is listed as a National Historic Landmark and the Palisades are a National Natural Landmark. The suit was prompted by a proposal to build a new, 143-foot tall headquarters for LG Electronics. Read more.

Watch "The Perils to the Palisades" video to learn more about the rich natural and historic heritage of the Palisades cliffs.

Latest Updates

June 23, 2015: LG Electronics USA announced a redesign of its proposed new headquarters overlooking the Palisades in Englewood Cliffs, N.J., reducing the height of the tallest building from 143 feet to the tree line, at 70 feet. The settlement is an amicable ending to a three-year battle in which the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference played an early and leading role within a coalition of environmental and civic groups and thousands of private citizens opposed to the high-rise development in its proposed form.

August 13, 2014: The Englewood Cliffs Council unanimously adopted Ordinance 14-11 which restores the traditional zoning to Englewood Cliffs, limiting building height to 35 feet. LG can still build to 143 feet as a result of its variance, and similar variances are possible in the future. However, the Council's action may strengthen the opposition's case challenging the legality of LG's variance, now pending in appeals court, and shows that the people can affect the actions of government when they care. The 4-0 vote by the council, which the mayor says he will not veto, also cancels the planned public referendum on the issue in November. Efforts to persuade LG to reduce the height of its planned building will continue unabated.

July 25, 2014:  Building height heads to ballot in November

June 5: Hearing in Trenton on bill to restrict building height on the Palisades.

TC supporters at Englewood Cliffs master plan hearing

April 24, 2014: New Meetup Group for Protect the Palisades. Get fast news of all Palisades events by joining Protect the Palisades Meetup


April 9, 2014: Senator Charles Schumer Opposes LG Tower. "Stop plan for new headquarters"

April 7, 2014: Cuomo Administration Opposes LG Tower. Park Commissioner Rose Harvey urges design change.

March 24, New York Times: Four Former Governors Repeat their Opposition to LG Electronics Building Plan. "The building can be redesigned. The Palisades and Hudson River Cannot" 
March 13 Englewood Cliffs Planning Board Meeting. Planning board aims to set public hearing on revised master plan. Palisades supporters urged to attend.
Day of Action Planned for March 8: We'll fan out to stores in the region (and in other locations too) that sell LG products. Our goal: Urge customers to take LG’s plan to spoil the Palisades into account when they’re making their next purchase of a new TV, cell phone, washer, fridge or computer monitor. See follow-up news item.

February 25, 2014: Palisades commission asks LG to lower height of planned Englewood Cliffs headquarters

February 22, 2014: Six Bergen County Mayors Join to Oppose LG Plan: Letter Urges LG to Modify Headquarters Design

Protest at LG Electronics groundbreaking on Palisades

Mourning the Death of a Historic Landscape? On November 14, 2013 at 9:30 AM  more than 40 people turned up to protest LG Electronics breaking ground on its new corporate headquarters in Englewood Cliffs, NJ. The demonstration was quite the spectacle, with dozens of signs and even a rented hearse going back and forth in front of the building site, drawing attention to the death of the historic view of the Palisades. A steady stream of honks, waves, and cheers from passing vehicles showed beyond a doubt that the views of the protesters were shared by many of those who pass the site every day. 

The proposed building still has to go through an appeals process before construction begins, but even if it does come to pass, this outpouring of public support for the Palisades was a powerful expression of public sentiment.

 Make your views known.

  • Write letters to the editor of your local newspaper, including:

The Record (Bergen County, NJ):

  • Visit the news articles linked below and leave your comments on the articles.

  • Send an email to William Cho, CEO and President of LG Electronics North America: Click here for NRDC contact form , or mail a letter to Mr. Cho at 1000 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632; cc cc to John Taylor, Vice-president for Public Affairs.

  • Spread the word. Share these links and this info with your friends, neighbors, and organizations you belong to.

Some possible talking points:

We understand LG may not have been aware of the 100-year-long legacy of preserving a precious landscape by citizens of both states.

This treasured landscape’s setting, respected for more than a century as a public trust, would now be violated for private gain by this giant maker of TVs and refrigerators seeking to display its brand.

Yet on its large 27-acre site, LG could provide the same amount of office space for the same number of jobs by choosing an alternative lower design that does not rise above the ridgeline. But so far, LG refuses to reconsider.

I join other protectors of the Palisades and urge LG Electronics to redesign its new office which, if built as currently planned, would desecrate an iconic American landmark.



February 25, 2014: Palisades commission asks LG to lower height of planned Englewood Cliffs headquarters

February 22, 2014: Six Bergen County Mayors Join to Oppose LG Plan: Letter Urges LG to Modify Headquarters Design

December 23: 2013: Opinion: Still time for LG to reconsider (published in The Record)

December 22, 2013: Opponents protest outside NYC Best Buy

December 13, 2013: Rally Planned in NYC Dec. 22

November 14, 2013: Opponents protest as LG celebrates beginning of work on Englewood Cliffs HQ

November 13, 2013: Protests planned at LG HQ groundbreaking on Nov. 14

October 9, 2013: The World Monuments Fund Lists Palisades in Report on At-Risk Cultural Heritage Sites (pdf). See p. 4 of WMF press release 

September 4, 2013: Bergen freeholders support LG building plans

August 11, 2013: Foes of LG Electronics' planned headquarters in Englewood Cliffs plan to appeal judge's decision

August 10, 2013: LG Wins New Jersey Court Approval to Build Atop Hudson Cliffs

July 30, 2013: Coalition Releases New Image Showing LG Impact on Palisades

July 30, 2013: Christie, Booker Stay Out of LG Fight

June 6, 2013: Four  former NJ governors join call to block plan for 143-foot tall Englewood Cliffs building.

Women's Federation Monument on the Palisades.

May 8, 2013: Women's Clubs' members to rally May 11 for continued preservation of the Palisades

May 7, 2013: Protect the Palisades takes full-page ad in NY Times

May 4, 2013: Hikers, Cyclists, Bikers Support Effort to Limit Height of LG Electronics Building on Palisades

April 25, 2013: Local Opposition to LG Electronics tall building on Palisades grows

April 17, 2013: Creskill Woman's Club Calls for Protection of "Our Palisades"

April 2, 2013: Trail Conference Executive Director: "Natural, Historic Legacies of Palisades Deserve Respect"

March 25, 2013: Urge LG Electronics to respect our National Historic and Natural Landmark along the Palisades.

March 12, 2013: Judge orders mediation in LG Electronics building lawsuit

February 19, 2013: Sign the petition to protect the Palisades!

December 11, 2012: The Trail Conference Board of Directors voted to join a lawsuit against the Borough of Englewood Cliffs by the New Jersey State Federation of Women's Clubs, Scenic Hudson, and two Trail Conference members.


Press Coverage & More

Opinion: Room for reasonable compromise on LG tower. Jun. 19, 2014, 

World Monuments Fund Lists Vista of the New Jersey Palisades as Endangered, Oct. 8, 2013, NY Times

Preservationists deem Palisades 'endangered,' oppose LG expansion plan, Oct. 8, 2013, The Record 

Palisades cliffs 'at risk' list of historic sites says, Oct. 8, 2013,

Trail Conference Executive Director's Opinion Piece in The Record, April 24, 2013: One tall building will impact the Palisades forever

See this excellent story, A view to behold, now to change?

Visit our coalition's website, Protect the Palisades for links to additional news stories and more.

Comment: Please be relevant, civil, non-commercial.

donaldtripp's picture

This is still a victory for LG if they are allowed to continue to build their skyscraper and disfigure the Palisades.  If so, they will be the only "tower" north of the GW Bridge, the precise visibility they appear to be craving.