Rally for the Palisades in Manhattan Sunday, Dec. 22

December 13, 2013
Protect the Palisades


Rally for the Palisades in Manhattan Sunday, Dec. 22



Rally for the PalisadesGet the word out: We're hitting the streets again -- this time in front of a Best Buy in Manhattan on Sunday, Dec. 22nd at 12:45 p.m. -- to tell consumers about LG's plans to damage the Palisades.

Here are the details:
When: Sunday, December 22nd at 12:45 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
(Protest/public education will start at 1 p.m.; come at 12:45 p.m. We'll meet at Best Buy at 12:45 p.m.)
Where: 23rd & 6th Avenue (southeast corner)
Who: You and as many people as you can bring.
Our goal: Inform the shopping public about LG's plans to damage the Palisades -- and get the word out widely (press will be invited)
How: We'll hand out leaflets, talk to shoppers and otherwise make our view about the view known.
RSVP: Contact Joe at jgrappaport@rocketmail.com.

Is this a boycott? No, but we do want people to know that, if they buy LG products, their dollars will help a company intent on forever harming one of the great natural landmarks in the country.

What's our beef with Best Buy? We don't have one, but they sell LG products so it's a good place to get our message out.