Sawyers and Swampers

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All sawyers must have a current USFS Certification. FInd out more about how to become certified and what the job requires by reading this page. All sawyers must have at least two people participating in any sawing trip. The second person can be another sawyer or a swamper (someone who assists the sawyer - see below).

All sawyers and swampers are welcome to join this group. Trail Chairs, Supervisors and Crew Leaders are also welcome to join the group to get sawyer assistence on their projects and trail maintenance responsibilities.

There is a volunteer committee, Estelle Anderson(chair), Walt Daniels, David Day, Bob Jonas, Joel Pinsker, Chris Reyling, Jack Shuart, TBD (staff), that manages the sawyer program, including scheduling training opportunities. To get training, talk to the Trail Chair of the region you want to work in to get on the list for the next available training session.

Sawyer's Resources

Sawyer Committee

There is a committee working on refining our chainsaw policy. The material here, other than the existing policy, is draft and subject to change. Help the committee by talking to one of the committee members. Estelle Anderson(chair), Walt Daniels, Andrew Argeski, David Day, Bob Jonas, Joel Pinsker, Chris Reyling, Jack Shuart, Pete Zuroff, TBD (staff),

The material currently is existing practice and only a framework for an approved policy.