Trail Management Guide

About the Trail Management Guide

As a leader in the design, construction, maintenance, and preservation of trails for outdoor recreation, the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference is engaged in a wide range of projects and activities.

The Trail Management Guide (TMG) was originally created in 2002 to be used to train new Trails Chair and Supervisors. It has now evolved to include all aspects of trail management and administration to provide a complete view of the interactions among various roles and external entities to deliver on the Trail Conference annual plans and mission.

The TMG Version 4 describes the Trail Conference organizational structure implemented in 2020, roles, responsibilities, and practices used to manage trail activities. It is intended to be used as a reference, for ongoing learning and onboarding of volunteers and staff to enable consistency in carrying out the mission of the Trail Conference. The TMG references policies, additional practices documents, and available resources.

The Trail Conference environment is constantly evolving. Sections of the TMG will be updated on a regular basis to reflect changes in the organization, practices, and environmental needs.

Latest significant change: 
Monday, September 28, 2020
Current version
Status comment: 

Updated 10/5/2018

  1.  Section 5.9 replaced with page 1 of the injury and insurance protocol doc. (I left step 5 as in the doc)
  2. Section 12.1 Forms for All/immediately updated to also reference the refusal of care and OPRHP forms
  3. Section 15 publication history

Bump version to 3.1

Update Section 5.2 to remove restriction on volunteers being members.

Trail Project Approvals process changed

Version 4.0 reflects the new organizational structure of 2020

Version 4.1 reflects addition of Long Path RTC, and adds a report flow diagram

Version 4.1
Document retention: 
Document types: 
Policy Council