Trail Conditions Forum

Mud? Ice? High water at stream crossings?

This is the place to let the trail community know what you encountered, where and when (be as precise as possible). Suggestion: Make the trail or park name your subject.

To report serious trail problems that need Trail Conference attention, including illegal trail use issues, visit our Contact Us page. Problems reported through our Contact Us page get to the maintainers fast and reliably. Problems reported on the forum below may help fellow trail users avoid problem areas until they get fixed, but not all maintainers read this regularly.


paulhenryg's picture

Thank you, very helpful. I hope to hike this Friday. If I do, I'll report back on conditions.
Larry Wheelock's picture

The Black Creek Bridge has now been repaired - the trail is open again between Route 94 and Canal Road - Thank you to Sandy Parr and his N. Jersey Trail Crew!


LarryWheelock - N.Y. West Hudson Reg. Rep

RE: The AT in NJ between Route 94 and Canal Road in Vernon

The bridge across a tributary of Black Creek was dislodged by the recent flooding. The bridge is unsafe to use. Unless you want to wade in the waist deep stream you should take the long route on route 94 to Maple Grange Road and back up Canal Road (or in reverse for north bound), to by-pass the area until the bridge can be repaired. 

AT in Vernon Temporary Roadwalk Bypass


Estelle's picture

As an optional road walk, use Prices Switch Rd, right near the AT parking lot and Heaven Hill Farm.  See the map that is already posted;  that will bring you in Canal Rd from the north end.  Less road traffic.

Ann Gruhn's picture

I was on the white trail on Taurus yesterday. There are three or four fallen trees across the trail in the lower section just after the Stony Point trailhead -- including a large one at the very beginning. There is also some serious erosion of the footpath in that area. Once you get to the quarry, the rest of the trail is clear.
hiker4414's picture

Most trails were clear, but I did find 10 to 12 inches of snow in some areas.
Michael K7's picture

I hiked from Harriman train station to Tuxedo train station today, and all of the trails i was on (Sapphire, Appalachian, Lichen, R-D were all in good condition, with only occasional muddy/swampy spots, and a couple of tricky (but easy) water crossings. A few scattered blowdowns, but nothing impassable. Unless it's your first time out, you should have no problem on any of these trails at this point. To everyone heading out this weekend- enjoy!
Estelle's picture

Many roads in No. Jersey  and New York are closed due to this huge rainfall, so access to trail heads could be difficult.  In addition, you may find bridges gone, or the usual crossings under a lot of water.  It will take some time for this water to recede.    

PLEASE, any trail damage/bridges out, trees down, report directly to Trail Conference Office using this form

banjolady's picture

today 3/14 route 17 was closed in sloatsburg and tuxedo. i drove the long way around to reeves meadow and the pine meadow trail was under water (of course). most snow is gone but there are still some snowy or icy places on less traveled trails. going up the stony brook trail i found that BOTH of the kakiat trail bridges are out. the HTS bridge and the other bridges south of HTS on pine meadow and stony brook trails are fine-did not get up to 7hills bridge yet. hopefully rt 17 will reopen monday but call if you are going thru that area to confirm. i will post pics and videos of the very impressive rushing waters later on--if interested send me an email.  susan


Dave A's picture

Does anyone know if the kakiat trail bridges are still out?'s picture

Minnewaska State Park was open this weekend. Great snowshoeing. Has any one strated to thing of f\doing some fund raising to keep Minnewaska open??? I am not talking obout taxes.
BrianSnat's picture

Main lot is plowed out and trails have been packed down. Microspikes or Stablicers recommended but no need for snowshoes if you are staying on trail. Snow is about 15 inches with deeper drifts and some thin areas as well.
joepb70's picture

A/O 3/4/10, Minnewaska State Park and adjacent Sam's Point Preserve are currently closed since the recent February snowstorms. Minnewaska is hoping to be open for the weekend but I am skeptical that will happen. I will try to post a reopening date once I am informed. Mohonk Preserve is open.
Larry Wheelock's picture

Word has come from our volunteers in the Catskills:

    The Northeast part of the Catskills received 64" (Hunter Mt. is saying 84") last week.  The roads, while open, are only a lane to a lane and a half wide.  None of the parking lots are plowed out, actually behind 6 to 7 foot walls of snow from the plows.  There is really no parking for any of the trail heads.  It might be a good idea to put this on the TC website for this weekend as the weather is supposed to be good.  Also, the snow bowed and broke many trees along the roads.  There is no reason not to think the same is true on and along the trails.  Trail finding may be difficult, if not impossible on many trails.  Exhaustion is a definate possibility of people trying to break trail thru four or more feet of unpacked snow.  I don't know the situation is the Central or Southern Catskills but would imagine it to be close to the same.


ydfranklin's picture

can anyone please tell me how the snow coverage is on the catskills trails, considering the recent rain and present warm weather. i would like to do a ski tour on the hunter mountain hiking trails, but i have no idea wheather there is still snow or is it a mud fest?
BrianSnat's picture

I saw a trip report from Balsam Mountain in the south central Catskills last weekend and the some photos showed the blazes on the trees to be just above the snow. So figure a snow pack of 4-6 feet. Also Plattekill ski area in the western Catskills reported 92 inches of snow last week. That's Utah like numbers!
Georgette Weir's picture

Advice circulating on the weekend (Sat., Feb 27) is to stay out of the Catskills. Reports are there were 5 to 7 feet of snow. Many roads unpassable. Lots of downed trees on roads as well as on trails. Parking areas may be inaccessible.
banjolady's picture

harriman/bear mt got loads of snow, some trailheads not plowed out yet. snow wet and heavy in many places. lots of blowdowns and snowballs hitting you from the trees. many trails hard to follow since there is snow on trees and rocks. very beautiful!! on Sat 2/27 bear mountain was only cleared parking lot. park police and tiorati station had no power. hazardous wires and trees down near 1777E on the unmarked trail along gray's hill between iona and bear mt inn.
Bob's picture

The Signs that were on the Sign post at the junction of the Mine Trail (yellow) & the New Roomy Mine Trail (Orange) that now connects Wyanokie Falls (Blue Mine Brook Falls) and the Roomy Mine has been vandalized and the metal signs have been removed but the post remains. Please consult the map in the NYNJTC Kiosk and map inserts in Map#115 for directions, until we can get the signs replaced. And if you spot vandalism on any of our trails please report to NYNJTC Headquarters in Mahwah. Thanks, Ynoke
PVPatrick's picture

Currently there are only a couple of inches of snow in some places to virtually no snow in other south sloping spots. There are some icy spots and ice covered rocks, frost heaves, etc, but no need for snow shoes. Sorry this didnt end up under the right message.
jddeller's picture

I am looking to do an overnight snowshoe/backpack trip in Harriman. Does anyone know how much snow there currently is on the trails? Also, would appreciate any recommendation for a 5 mile or less hike to one of the shelters - something that can be done on snowshoes (assuming there is snow).