Trail Conditions Forum

Mud? Ice? High water at stream crossings?

This is the place to let the trail community know what you encountered, where and when (be as precise as possible). Suggestion: Make the trail or park name your subject.

To report serious trail problems that need Trail Conference attention, including illegal trail use issues, visit our Contact Us page. Problems reported through our Contact Us page get to the maintainers fast and reliably. Problems reported on the forum below may help fellow trail users avoid problem areas until they get fixed, but not all maintainers read this regularly.


PVPatrick's picture

I don't see mention of this here, but this trail has significant beaver induced flooding north of Mystic Swamp, just west of the P7 parking area in Sterling Forest requiring challenging bushwacking to circumvent.
johnm's picture

Thanks for the advisory. The Sterling Valley Loop Trail is not maintained by the Trail Conference. In Sterling Forest State Park about half the trails are taken care of by the Park, and the other approximate half by the Trail Conference. We work closely together. My examination of the flooded location on July 4th, this being during a very rainy season, revealed that passage on foot was possible (keeping the feet dry), with a bit of hopping. Some one had placed a board across the middle of the flooded width, on top of two concrete blocks. A step from water edge to the board was possible, and on the farther side dry land could be reached by a hop to a stone and then to the waters edge. At this particular location and day, the beaver dam adjacent to the flooded path was found breached for about a two foot length. Under the circumstances of all the rain, I suspect that the flooding would have been about the same whether or not the dam was breached- the difference being that the dam would be full, the water higher upstream of the trail, and the water flow about the same. Beaver problems are increasing. The Parks do not typically breach beaver ponds, and even if they were breached the beavers would repair them. A solution is to move the beavers to another location, but that is not commonly done. In dryer times the trail will likely not be flooded: the water level on the opposite side is below trail level (until the beavers become more ambitious downstream). This specific flooding problem is known to the Park. The trail in this area is actually not on park property but the owner allows the trail to cross. There is some consideration of a Scout group building a bridge, but nothing is settled.
Estelle's picture

The trail head for the Mine Trail/Wyanokie Circular (yellow & red) is permanently closed by the landowner. This trail head is on Snake Den Rd, near the Weis Ecology Center parking lot. We will be posting signs and blocking access at both ends of the private property.  Please plan your hikes to enter and exit the forest trails at other locations. Either using the HewittButler/Mine Trail (blue and yellow) via the Otterhole Trail (green) from the Weis Parking Lot; or use the Highlands Trail from Westbrook Rd/Townsend Rd to the new Roomy Mine Trail extension to access other trails.  We will be creating links / detours very shortly, but ask your cooperation now in avoiding this trail head. 

***Click Here for a map of the revised trail system*** 

BrianSnat's picture

Terrible news. It was just a matter of time though. "Keep not standing fixed and rooted, briskly venture, briskly roam" - Goethe
Christie DeBoer's picture

The section of Three Lakes Trail, from 301 to Sunk Mine Road, is closed. Due to beaver activity and heavy rains, the trail is not passible, and will remain closed until park management decides otherwise.

yankee.clipper's picture

The trail is actually officially closed between Sunk Mine Road and the AT crossing (not Rt. 301). The closing is posted with signs and yellow hazard tape. The ranger said that the closing was due to high water released from John Allen Pond, in an attempt to stabilize water levels there. As an alternate, you can use the AT from Sunk Mine Road, but because of the high water conditions, the stream crossing just north of here may be a problem. A safe and dry alternate is to go north on the gated mine road just east of the bridge (dotted black line on the TC map) and about a five minute walk east of the 3 Lakes Trail. This road will join the 3 Lakes Trail near the junction with the Old Mine Railroad Trail. This is in the closed section, but it is well north of the problem area. The above information was based on personal observation on June 19. Ed Goldstein's picture

I'm planning to backpack from Wawayanda to High Point this weekend. With all the recent rainfall and the forecast of more into the weekend, I'm concerned about the puncheon sections being passable. Any current information on this area?
Estelle's picture

Hi Folks, thanks for your comments.    The area Trail Supervisor will be notified and hopefully this will get corrected very soon...  at least when this rain stops!
trailgal's picture

In response to the notifications of the missing blazes along the Blue Disc Trail in Southern Harriman State Park, I just want to let everyone know that I am aware of it and in the process of replacing not only the vandalized blazes, but all the blazes on that trail with a correct sized (2" X 3") metal blaze. However, it is slow going because of the rain. Thanks for keeping the Trail Conference informed of any trail issues. Kathy Goldman, Blue Disc Trail Maintainer
skabass1's picture

While hiking in fahnestock state park on the Yellow Trail parallel south to the 301 going north toward Hidden Lake the trail is supposed to boarder the lake to the south and connect with the blue trail. The lake here has flooded the trail and has made it very difficult to cross. We backtracked south on the yellow trail to meet a red trail going south which also connects to the blue trail we were trying to get to. I know its confusing.....
Christie DeBoer's picture

Yes, it is confusing, and beaver activity is the reasoning for the flooding. I will let the volunteer maintainer and Trail Supervisor for the area know about your experience. They are aware of the problem, and have tried some remediation in the past (relocate the trail) but the beavers work faster. Thank you for the report.
kraan2's picture

All this talk about beaver flooding in NY and NJ reminds me of the beginning of Krakauer's book Into the Wild. He describes the Alaskans who found the young man's body as carrying dynamite on their ATVs wherever they go because beaver flooding on backroads/trails is so common in Alaska. When they come to an impassable flooded stretch of road/trail, they find the beaver dam, blow it up, wait for the water to drain off the road/trail, and go on their merry way!
Estelle's picture

A reminder:  the folks at NJ Endangered Species are requesting hikers DO NOT enter ANY mines or caves.  This is to prevent the further spread of the white-nose syndrome fungus that is killing NJ bats.  This will apply in NY also.    The caves in Hibernia are closed, Roomy Mine is closed.

These closings are until further notice.      Thanks for cooperating and caring about the bats.'s picture

On Saturday April 25 Malcolm Spector and Toby Golick re-flagged the newly constructed section of trail that takes the trail off the gas pipeline. The trail has been open for almost a year and is now on the TC maps, but has not yet been blazed. I know that the park has taken to printing up custom blazes to use and I wonder if the delay is in waiting for these blazes. The rest of the trail badly needs reblazing as well.
Estelle's picture

Thanks for your comments, I have sent this on to the Trail Supervisor for Wawayanda.   And thanks for re-flagging!
srtmaintainer's picture

A large forest fire is burning on the Shawangunk Ridge in the Wurtsboro Ridge State Forest. The Shawangunk Ridge trail from the VFW to Ferguson road near Summitville is closed, this incudes the Long Path from shawanga Lodge road to Ferguson road.
srtmaintainer's picture

Jakob Franke just stepped out of the woods about twenty minutes ago. He has installed new trail markers on the trail as the old ones got melted by the fire. Jakob reports the trail is very passable and easy to follow.'s picture

Starting from about .6 miles from the Johnsontown Rd. trailhead and extending to Almost Perpendicular, someone has torn off at least 5 or 6 of the plastic trail markers (and dropped them trailside) and carved away some of the painted blazes. It's still possible to follow the trail, however. Who would do such a thing?
kellyr's picture

I was just about to email the NYNJTC about the blue discs gone missing. Last weekend I was on this trail for the first time and did indeed get lost. (and we did had a map) It took us off trail for a good 20 minutes until we retraced my steps and discovered the discs on the ground near a tree. Soon after all was well and we enjoyed lunch at Almost Perpendicular. Can someone re-mark this trail? First time Harriman hikers could get really lost. Thank you!
banjolady's picture

i noticed this as well. the blazes seemed ok further along the trail though. there was also a huge pile of litter so i am thinking perhaps same people are responsible (or irresponsible)....