Trail Conditions Forum

Mud? Ice? High water at stream crossings?

This is the place to let the trail community know what you encountered, where and when (be as precise as possible). Suggestion: Make the trail or park name your subject.

To report serious trail problems that need Trail Conference attention, including illegal trail use issues, visit our Contact Us page. Problems reported through our Contact Us page get to the maintainers fast and reliably. Problems reported on the forum below may help fellow trail users avoid problem areas until they get fixed, but not all maintainers read this regularly.


NYCHiker's picture

Looks like there was a brush fire on the 9th. Just over 100 acres burned.

PVPatrick's picture

The story reported on this site about the trail running races to be held on May 9, 2009 should be modified to say that the race courses involve Bear Mt and Harriman State Parks and that there will be runners on the course from 5am until 6pm.
Georgette Weir's picture

This has been changed. Thank you.
Estelle's picture

A word of caution for those hiking Pequannock Watershed and parking along Clinton Road, or at any of the parking areas for the Watershed.  Two kayakers returned to their car to find the passenger window smashed, and a wallet and cell phone stolen.    Please take all your valuables with you, please lock your car.    This is a fairly remote area with very minimal police patrol and delayed police response.'s picture

Poets Walk Walked: Parking Area to “Summer House” and back Date Hiked: March 20, 2009, Evening Conditions: The trails and carriageways are in good shape – Some areas of mud. Special Required Equipment: Camera, water, map. Comments: The official name of this site is Poets' Walk Romantic Landscape Park. As you might guess from the name, this property was landscaped to show off its Hudson Valley views. It's an ideal spot for a sunset stroll for individuals who just got out of work. Great and interesting views of the Hudson River. Rhine cliff bridge and the Catskills. Went out for dinner in Kinston, NY after the walk.
Larry Wheelock's picture

We've been informed that the maintenance people at BRF have been cutting some of the larger ice damaged and downed trees blocking the trails in the Consortium. They have not been cleared off the ground yet. They need help clearing the downed material.

For those who can help clear the trails:

Meet on Saturday and Sunday mornings for the next two weeks at the main gate at 9 AM. John and the crew will direct you, and/or drive you, to sections of trails to help with the clearing. They started with the main trails in the north and central parts of the forest and maybe half of them are cleared at this point.

LarryWheelock - N.Y. West Hudson Reg. Rep

New York - New Jersey Trail Conference

156 Ramapo Valley Road

Mahwah, NJ 07430

T 201-512-9348 X16

M 973-650-3228

gpettypoet's picture

The Ryker Lake Circle is blocked at the north end by a beaver dam. It is possible to cross the brook below the dam by hopping from rock to tussock between trees. But it isn't a family hike now. It is impassable at high water. We will attempt a fix this spring. George Petty hiker-poet
Bob's picture

Just a reminder to hikers that due to Beaver activity, the Clinton West / Highlands and Buckabear Trails are closed where they cross the dam between Clinton Reservoir and Buckabear Pond. And due to this same raising of the water level, the portion of the Bearfort Waters Trail next to Buckabear Pond is impassable, unmaintained and we suggest making alternate plans before attempting a thru-hike. We expect to have a reroute of this section completed by Summer of 2009.
Willy's picture

Curious to know if the rerouting of the flooded section of trail next to Buckabear Pond was done? I hiked this section in January 2010, while pond was frozen, and unless I missed the reroute, I had to do some mild bushwacking to continue south on the trail. The crossing of the dam was not too bad but I wonder if it is passable now with all the snow melt and recent rains. Finally, I should mention that I saw an ATV on Buckabear Pond. I think the guy riding it was quite surprised to see a hiker at that time of year. Anyway , a big thanks to the NY/NJ TC and its volunteers for keeping the trails open for folks like me.
Estelle's picture

The reroute is nearly completed, we had to stop for winter snow and rains.  The next planned work trip is April 11 to hopefully complete cutting the trail; then we'll blaze it.   You are invited to take part in this work trip,  please contact me at     All helping hands will be greatly appreciated.    We plan to meet at 9:30 a.m.     The beaver dam right now is probably overflowing with all the rains we had, so please use care if you go that way on a hike; but this reroute will be available very soon.    thanks for your interest and for your comments.
rousseat's picture

I just did this hike today with 2 of my friends. And we were wondering why the markers along the Bearfort Waters Trail were in the water!!! Crossing the Reservoir was also quite treacherous. We just thought this was because of the winter thaw. I was going to send a message to NY/NJ Trail Conf. reporting this but I guess they are well aware of it. Wish I looked here BEFORE we left for our hike. Thanks for posting!
jakobfranke's picture

You definitely should get the latest version of the LP guide (5th edition) and look at the backpack section. It has a lot of useful information. There have been reroutes but they are all listed on the website at For backpacking the recommended route is along the LP to Harriman SP, AT to High Point NJ, and the SRT back to the LP on the Wurtsboro Ridge. The best time is any time after April (in April you may still find ice and snow in the Catskills), and before November. During that period it's the usual trade-off between black flies cool nights and hot weather and brambles, etc. If you need more info, contact the office and they can direct you to LP people who can assist you. Jakob Franke (LP chair south).
docmaker's picture

Thanks. I just ordered the book and I will let you guys know when i plan to attempt the hike. And Ill probably have more questions before i do. i love the new format of this site. Adam
docmaker's picture

Hi, Im interested in hiking the entire long path from George Washington Bridge up to Albany. What is the best time of year to do this hike? From reading the information on the ny-nj trail site - It seems like there are a lot of re-routes. Is it still possible to backpack the entire trail? Is the section on backpacking in the Long Path guide worth reading? Does it give you possible hiking schedule with water access and camping spots? I would like to do approx 15miles per day.. Any more info would be appreciated, Thanks, Adam
Thomas's picture

Two years ago I thru-hiked the LP from the GW up to Wurtsboro using the AT route and can answer questions about that very enjoyable (and fairly easy) section.

If possible, plan to avoid tick season because although the Long Path was generally well-blazed and -maintained it does not appear to be heavily trafficked in areas so there can be high grass or close brush and I frequently had to stop several times an hour to pick off dozens of ticks despite using DEET. You might want to wear long pants and treat them as well.

Buy the LP book and study it. I found it to be extremely well-written and useful. There is also helpful information about the LP on the old NYNJTC website. For the AT section I would recommend looking at the ALDHA Companion which is available online at

One problem arose when the PO in Pomona did not understand "General Delivery" and "Hold for Long Path Hiker arriving x date" and returned my food drop as undeliverable. Fortunately there was nothing unique in the package and there was a large grocery store on the way to the PO, just a short distance off the trail. There are also many places to eat in the section from GW to Wurtsboro, fast food, diners, snack bars, ice cream, coffee shops, Mexican. The only other backpack-carrying hikers I met the entire way were on the AT but you're never far from roads and houses.

I did make notes about where where I camped and a couple of places to get water and could provide that info if you contact me. It would not be appropriate to post all of them in a public forum. Here's a disposable e-mail address:


Perhaps a moderator could move these Long Path posts to their own topic because I do want to hike the rest of it and would like more information about the Wurtsboro to Albany section including the best places to resupply and a decent way to walk to Albany or to public transportation near Altamont, which has VERY limited commuter bus service.

srtmaintainer's picture

Are you going to thru-hike the trail. Either way having done the entire trail I have a world of information for you.
Estelle's picture

Hi Adam,  you might want to post this also under Find a Hike.  that might be the better forum for your questions on hiking the LP.   good luck!
Akriegel's picture

The steep clime up Buck Mtn on the yellow trail requires some type of ladder or steps. Even in the summer when it's relatively dry, it's treacherous @ best.
Bob's picture

In this particular trail system of 30+ miles of trail there are perhaps two or three spots that can pose a problem, especially when the rocks are wet or snow/ice covered. Buck mtn. has been this way for over fifty years or since it's inception. Ascending isn't too bad, but descending can be a bit tricky. We recently trimmed back this whole area last Fall, which tends to get overwhelmed by the sprawling Green Briar. We could possibly trim back more of this growth on the North side which might provide an optional approach, although the topography offers few other options. We will re-evaluate this when we return to improve the trail tread below this point. Norvin Green is known as a forest of rugged wilderness calibre trails that can be challenging to doesn't pretend to be a "Walk in the Park". A few years ago we rerouted the Carris Hill Trail to improve safety and we received a few comments condemming us for eliminating this former challenge......So you can't please eveyone, but We Try !
foottraffic's picture

The trails in Norvin Green are pretty tame and in some sections a 'walk in the park". I think haveing the small challenges lke this section is worht keepin. Placing a structure like a ladder would pose additional challenges, mainly the monitoring of its condition and in the event it becomes unusable, what then? Close the trail.