Trail Conditions Forum

Mud? Ice? High water at stream crossings?

This is the place to let the trail community know what you encountered, where and when (be as precise as possible). Suggestion: Make the trail or park name your subject.

To report serious trail problems that need Trail Conference attention, including illegal trail use issues, visit our Contact Us page. Problems reported through our Contact Us page get to the maintainers fast and reliably. Problems reported on the forum below may help fellow trail users avoid problem areas until they get fixed, but not all maintainers read this regularly.


scope's picture

I know the Highlands trail northbound is currently impassible because of the bridge over the Wanaque River being washed away, but is it OK Southbound?  Is the gas line construction affecting this at all?   Also, are trails in Wawayanda previously affected by the gas line construction open again yet? Many thanks.
Cory728's picture

Terrace Pond North from Clinton Road is passable - the pipeline construction left the trail intact. Not so from Warwick Turnpike - still closed. Old Coal trail is closed, but you can make it to the terminus of the Lookout Trail without a problem. As a side note, Lake Lookout is in terrible shape - the  water is brown and murky from the run off of the pipeline construction. Cabin Trail and Turkey Ridge are closed. All oher Wawa trails are open.
Wolfie2nd's picture

can anyone tell me if there is any good spots to set up camp between the cave shelter and stockbridge shelter? the problem is that i need to be able to stake out 9 points for my shelter. any opinions appreciated?            thanks              Doug
johndavitt's picture

Looking to hike the AT from the AT-Metro North stop westward towards Nuclear lake. Anybody know how the trail is here ? There's suppose to be some board walking over swamps and I'm worried that Irene may have destroyed the board walking over the swamp. Thanks.    
paulhenryg's picture

I hope to hike Cold Spring trails Friday. I haven't hiked these trails in about a year. Could anyone tell me trail conditions? Thanks!
PVPatrick's picture

Trails in Cold Spring area are in fine shape. There are a few bridges missing in Hudson Highlands state park near the Cornish ruin, but you can hop across water easily.
paulhenryg's picture

Thank you for the info!
bklynhiker's picture

I hiked Minnewaska last Sunday and tried to do the 11 mile route via Jenny Lane/Long Path Trails to Lake Awosting.  We couldn't get to the Long Path by rainbow falls as this section of the Peter Kills Carriageway is gone.  Looks like it was washed away by the Fly Brook, which I'm assuming became more of a raging river thanks to Irene (it's the area that had a grassy field to the right).  Caused us to double back on the Peter Kills Carriageway to Blueberry Run to Lake Awosting Carriageway to continue on our hike.  You do have to cross the water on Blueberry Run as the bridge is out.  We crossed a little left of the trail on rocks and no one got wet.  Water wasn't too high in sections but was moving fast. There is a sign on the Jenny Lane Trail at the Blueberry Run stating Trail closed (that we ignored and the trail was fine), so presumably is there to send you down the Blueberry Run to avoid the backtrack.  Access to rainbow falls was not closed from the Lake Awosting Carriageway, though we didn't go down to check out it's status. Instead we went left on the Long Path and continued on to Lake Awosting with no issues.   Due to the washout we again had to backtrack to get back to the car, this time along Lake Awosting Carriageway to Blueberry Run to Jenny Lane Trail.  Hopefull they'll build a bridge over the missing part of the Peter Kills Carriageway, as I didn't enjoy spending so much of the hike on Carriageways.
Estelle's picture

Hiker parking lots on Glenwild Ave (at Fire Gate and upper Otterhole parking lot) for Norvin Green SF (southern half) have been subject to car break-ins. There were 3 this past weekend.   PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN YOUR CAR. Take them with you or leave them at home, or put into your trunk.  We understand this is happening in Ramapo Mtn parking lots as well. 
svem175's picture

Hi All, I'm thinking about hiking up to the Wittenberg summit but I'm wondering what the conditions are right now. I heard that TS Irene really did a lot of damage up there. Anybody have any info?
Jeff Senterman's picture

The trails themselves came through Irene without too much trouble (a few new blowdowns and some erosion), however the trailheads were the most damaged by streams and rivers taking road access out.  Currently there are several trailheads that are still closed, but Wittenberg is accessible from Woodland Valley and from the Denning Trailhead.  For the latest list of trail closures and information, we have a Catskill Trails information page here:   Jeff Senterman - Catskill Region Program Coordinator
fsteinmann's picture

Has anyone been on the Jenny Lane/ Mossy Glen trails lately?  I am looking to do a hike on either of those trails over to Rainbow Falls, Castle Point.  I have heard that the bridges crossing the Peters Kill have been damaged and that these trails may be closed.
Georgette Weir's picture

Here's the latest update from Minnewaska Park managers (as of Monday, Oct. 3; posted on our storm related trails update page):

Minnewaska State Park Preserve is open for hiking, picnicking, and climbing at this time. Biking and equestrian use will not be permitted due to storm damage until further notice. Please adhere to all posted trail closings and notices.  Please note all footbridges crossing the Peterskill stream are out; use caution at stream crossings.  Access through the stream may not be possible during high water events. The following trails will remain closed until further notice:

Lower Awosting Carriage Road
Awosting Falls Carriage Road closed at the waterfall
Jenny Lane Footpath will be closed at the intersection with Blueberry Run Footpath
Rainbow falls section of the Long path will be closed at rainbow falls due to carriage road damage on Lower Awosting at the causeway.

All other carriage roads and footpaths are open to hiking at this time. For more information or updates, please call the Park Preserve Office at 845 255-0752

hike_mania's picture

I'm planning to hike the N.J. section of the A.T. sometime between October 15 and October 23.  Will this be hunting season in N.J.?  If so, does it affect the A.T. corridor?  In other words, do I need buy something orange to wear?  Thanks.
msedlak's picture

I think it would be wise to have at least one article of clothing you can wear that is blaze orange.  When I backpack in the fall, I bring a blaze orange pack cover (rain protector) and just leave it on my pack whenever I am hiking, raining or not.  When encountering a hunter, you could always ask how well you stood out with whatever you were wearing.   Some references that may help you are: Some general info to further guide you. Some general info to further guide you. Specifically, pages 44 to 49 that identify the dates by zones in NJ for deer hunting (and the pages just before page 44 decribe each zone in detail). You are probably interested in zones 1 through 4 and special zone 67.  Regulations for other game follow page 49. Small game dates in NJ.   Hope this helps - Be responsible and enjoy.
MGmunder's picture

I want to take a group of Boy Scouts Backpacking on the AT from Liberty Corners Road(Pochuck Shelter) to the state line.   Is that route open with no major diversions??
hiker4414's picture

Check the NYNJTC map. Territory with a white backgroud is privately owned land and hunting should be expected there. This includes portions of the LP, Barton Swamp, Western Ridge and southern Jessup Trails. Be sure to thank the hunting owners for allowing us to hike on their land. 
Elizabeth S.'s picture

Hoping to find out about the trail conditions on Mount Beacon.
msedlak's picture

LindaC's picture

I know that hunting is permitted on some sections of Schunemunk Mountain but is it still safe to hike on any of the marked trails.  I am thinking specifically of the Long Path, Jessup, Barton Swamp.