Increase the 2015 Environmental Protection Fund in New York State


New York Assemblyman Steven Englebright is seeking support for the 2015 Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) and is asking fellow representatives to urge that it be increased to $200 million in the state budget. The Executive Budget proposal currently increases the EPF appropriation by a modest $10 million to only $172 million. Assemblyman Englebright's letter requesting this support is due to Speaker Carl Heastie THIS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13.

From Assemblyman Englebright's letter:

"Funding for the EPF must be restored at a faster rate if we are to address critical needs that exist for programs that provide every district in the state benefits including clean air and water, healthy communities, job creation and municipal services. A greater level of investment in the environment is appropriate and needed in this year's budget, as our economy continues to recover and revenue grows.

During the recent recession, the annual EPF appropriation was drastically reduced from $255 million to $134 million. This reduction negatively impacted programs that conserve our precious clean water; support our community parks and farm, forestry, recycling, and tourism sectors; and empower our municipalities to become more resilient to storm impacts.

A 2012 study by the Trust for Public Land showed that for every $1 invested in land and water conservation through the EPF, the state received $7 in economic return. The EPF supports thousands of jobs in our state through its various programs across a broad spectrum of industries, from outdoor tourism and agriculture to drinking water protection for millions of New Yorkers. EPF supported industries generate approximately $40 billion in revenue every year. With a 7 to 1 payoff for every dollar invested, a surplus in the state budget, and significant needs in communities from Brookhaven to Buffalo, now is the time to make additional progress and further enhance the EPF. We accordingly urge that the EPF appropriation grow to $200 million in this state budget."


Please reach out to your Assembly members and ask them to sign on to Assemblyman Englebright's letter. Since this letter is to the Speaker, it is helpful to have it come from members of his conference.

Find your local representative's contact information.

Issue Updates : 

NY Environmental Groups Seek $200 Million (Oneida Daily Dispatch, Jan. 15, 2015)

Comment due date: 
Talking points: 

Call script: Hello my name is [your name] calling from [your organization]. I am calling to thank the Assembly member for their support of the Environmental Protection Fund. The EPF has done great things in our community, and today I am calling to let you know that Assemblyman Englebright is circulating a letter to Speaker Heastie in support of the EPF in the State Budget. Given the Assembly member’s past support of the EPF, and its importance to our region of NY, I am asking if [he/she] would please sign this important letter.

Spread the word. Share these links and this info with your friends, neighbors, and organizations you belong to.


New York Environmental Protection Fund and Open Space Funding 2015

2014 to 2015

One of 4 ponds on the Ridgeview parcel atop the Shawangunk Ridge.

The addition of a beautiful 435-acre parcel (photo) along the Southern Gunks Greenway to Huckleberry State Forest depends upon funding for land preservation in New York's EPF.

See Trail Conference talking points about the 2014 NYS Open Space Plan.

New York State Budget 2015-16: Enhance the Environmental Protection Fund to Expand Economic and Environmental Benefits

Plan Now to Attend March 9, 2014: EPF Lobby Day in Albany. 

The Friends of New York’s Environment is a partnership of more than 100 environmental, public health, agricultural, recreational and urban groups that supports the Environmental Protection Fund. The Trail Conference is a member of the coalition. For the upcoming year, we seek $200 million for the EPF.

Established in 1993, the EPF is the State's dedicated source of funding for critical environmental programs that protect what we love about New York - our clean drinking water, our magnificent parks, and our family farms. It is primary source of funding for open space protection in the state, a key focus for the Trail Conference. 

Sadly, No money to protect land on the Shawangunk Ridge has been in the Governor's recent land protection budget proposals.

This, despite the fact that the state has identified the Ridge as a priority area for open space protection, worked with the Trail Conference in the past to add land to ridgetop state forests, and is funding Trail Conference efforts to promote a Gunks Greenway on the Shawangunk Ridge.

Our goal is to increase EPF funding overall, to $200 million, and to increase the land acquisition budget in particular. The Trail Conference is asking for the Land Acquisition line in the EPF to be restored at least to its level in 2008: $66 million.

Talking points: 
• The Environmental Protection Fund, the state's dedicated source of funding for programs that protect our clean water and natural resources, should be funded at $200 million.
• The source of funding for the EPF, the Real Estate Transfer Tax, is projected to grow to more than $1 billion by the end of the five-year fiscal plan, including steady projected growth each fiscal year. As this revenue source grows/recovers, so too should the EPF.
• A 2012 study by the Trust for Public Land showed that for every $1 invested in land and water conservation through the EPF, the state received $7 in economic return.
• With a 7-1 payoff for every dollar invested, a surplus in the state budget, and significant needs in communities


Additional Resources:

The Economic Benefits of New York's Environmental Protection Fund, a report compiled by the Trust for Public Land, January 2012. Click to download a copy of the TPL report.

Economic Benefits of Open Space Preservation: A report from the New York State Comptroller, March 2010  Click here to download a copy of the comptroller's report.

New York Environmental Protection Fund 2014

2013 to 2014

One of 4 ponds on the Ridgeview parcel atop the Shawangunk Ridge.

The addition of a beautiful 435-acre parcel (photo) along the Southern Gunks Greenway to Huckleberry State Forest depends upon funding for land preservation in New York's EPF.

New York State Budget 2014-15: Enhance the Environmental Protection Fund to Expand Economic and Environmental Benefits

The Friends of New York’s Environment is a partnership of more than 100 environmental, public health, agricultural, recreational and urban groups that supports the Environmental Protection Fund. The Trail Conference is a member of the coalition. For the upcoming year, we seek $200 million for the EPF.

Established in 1993, the EPF is the State's dedicated source of funding for critical environmental programs that protect what we love about New York - our clean drinking water, our magnificent parks, and our family farms. It is primary source of funding for open space protection in the state, a key focus for the Trail Conference. The Governor proposes to invest just $20 million in land protection in the next fiscal year.

Sadly, No money to protect land on the Shawangunk Ridge is in the Governor's land protection budget proposal.

This, despite the fact that the state has identified the Ridge as a priority area for open space protection, worked with the Trail Conference in the past to add land to ridgetop state forests, and is funding Trail Conference efforts to promote a Gunks Greenway on the Shawangunk Ridge.

Our goal is to increase EPF funding overall, to $200 million, and to increase the land acquisition budget in particularClick here to take immediate action by sending a letter to support the EPF. (You can edit the message with your personal comments.)

Issue Updates : 


February 12, 2014: EPF Lobby Day in Albany
Talking points: 
• The Environmental Protection Fund, the state's dedicated source of funding for programs that protect our clean waer and natural resources, is increased by a modest $4 million, to $157 million in the Governor's budget proposal for 2014-15.
• The source of funding for the EPF, the Real Estate Transfer Tax, is projected to grow to more than $1 billion by the end of the five-year fiscal plan, including steady projected growth each fiscal year. As this revenue source grows/recovers, so too should the EPF.
• The EPF should be increased to $200 million.
• A 2012 study by the Trust for Public Land showed that for every $1 invested in land and water conservation through the EPF, the state received $7 in economic return.
• With a 7-1 payoff for every dollar invested, a surplus in the state budget, and significant needs in communities


Additional Resources:

The Economic Benefits of New York's Environmental Protection Fund, a report compiled by the Trust for Public Land, January 2012. Click to download a copy of the TPL report.

Economic Benefits of Open Space Preservation: A report from the New York State Comptroller, March 2010  Click here to download a copy of the comptroller's report.


New York Environmental Protection Fund EPF 2013

2012 to 2013

One of 4 ponds on the Ridgeview parcel atop the Shawangunk Ridge.

The addition of a beautiful 435-acre parcel (photo) along the Southern Gunks Greenway to Huckleberry State Forest depends upon funding for land preservation in New York's EPF.

New York State Budget 2013-14: Enhance the Environmental Protection Fund to Expand Economic and Environmental Benefits

The Friends of New York’s Environment is a partnership of more than 100 environmental, public health, agricultural, recreational and urban groups that supports the Environmental Protection Fund. The Trail Conference is a member of the coalition.

Issue Updates : 

April 1, 2013: SUCCESS! Time to Thank Our Officials.

The final budget adopted by the Senate, Assembly, and Governor increases the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) for the first time in 5 years, to $153 million. The EPF pays for programs that protect open space and parks, enhance trails,support local recycling programs, and more. The adopted budget also increases provides $90 million for infrastructure improvements at state parks and historic sites in every region of the state, providing an infusion of capital for the second year in a row. Thanks to all who supported the EPF and our Parks this year!

Please take a moment to thank the Governor, your State Senator and Assemblymember for supporting state parks by including $90 million for critical infrastructure needs and enhancing the EPF in the final budget.


March 13, 2013: Good News for the EPF from both houses of the legislature. Especially encouraging is that all three budget proposals--by the Executive, the Senate and the Assembly–include an increased appropriation for the EPF. Click here to read STATEMENT FROM THE FRIENDS OF NEW YORK'S ENVIRONMENT. It's a good time to thank the Governor and representatives for their continued support. Click here to find contact info.

Also: Related to the EPF is an expanded Bottle Bill. Click here to read our coalition's statement on proposed Bottle Bill changes.


January 23, 2013: Governor Cuomo's budget proposal, outlined yesterday, includes GOOD NEWS for the EPF!  The Governor proposed a $153 million EPF appropriation, representing a $19 million increase over the current fiscal year!  The Governor highlighted the EPF in his budget presentation.  This progress is thanks to hard work over the last few years as part of a broad campaign to raise the profile of the EPF and underscore its economic importance.  The increase will be funded with revenue from the state’s Bottle Bill, through a combination of existing revenue ($15M), and new revenue generated by proposed enforcement and other technical changes to the law ($4M). The bulk of EPF funding will continue to be financed by funds from the Real Estate Transfer Tax.

December 18, 2012: Governor Cuomo vetoed EPF enhancement legislation (see below). As part of the veto message the Governor says, “I am committed to finding additional ways to strengthen the EPF, and will work with the Legislature to do so.”  After discussing the need to make these decisions as part of the budget, he states “I am constrained to disapprove this bill.”  So, our work must continue in the coming days and weeks to make the most of this commitment. Stay tuned.

December 10, 2012:

Last week, the EPF enhancement legislation (A. 10519 Sweeney/S. 7525 Grisanti) was delivered by the Assembly to the Governor for consideration.  This started a 10-day “clock” for the Governor to sign or veto the bill.  The bill will phase $56 million of revenue from the state’s Bottle Bill into the EPF over six years. 

New York collects more than $100 million from unclaimed bottle deposits every year.  [Alert info deleted Dec. 19.]

Talking points: 


• Established in 1993, the EPF is the State's dedicated source of funding for critical environmental programs that protect what we love about New York - our clean drinking water, our magnificent parks, and our family farms.

• The dedicated funding source for the EPF is the Real Estate Transfer Tax (RETT). The RETT has funded the EPF since it was created in 1993, and it generates revenue between $500 million and more than $1 billion annually. A portion of the revenue is dedicated to the EPF each year as part of the budget, and the remainder of the RETT is used for the General Fund, where it can be spent on non-environmental programs.

• The EPF was due to reach $300 million in 2011. Instead, it has dropped from $222 million in 2009 to $134 million in 2010 and 2011. In 2012, the Governor again proposes to hold the EPF at $134 million. New York cannot afford to have the EPF go backward while our environmental needs increase.

• Environmental investments from the EPF create jobs, eliminate solid waste, prevent pollution and invasive species, protect natural resources and community character, revitalize urban areas, and connect people with the outdoors. Our environmental agencies and the EPF provide economic benefits reaching every county in New York State.

• Many EPF programs leverage local, federal and private funding. Some programs prevent contamination or the need for additional infrastructure, which is often more costly to taxpayers in the long-run. Other programs support big industries in New York State, including agriculture and tourism. These sectors of our economy support many jobs and bring out-of-state money to New York communities.

Additional Resources:

The Economic Benefits of New York's Environmental Protection Fund, a report compiled by the Trust for Public Land, January 2012. Click to download a copy of the TPL report.

Economic Benefits of Open Space Preservation: A report from the New York State Comptroller, March 2010  Click here to download a copy of the comptroller's report.
