Development projects

Tennesee Gas Pipeline in Northern New Jersey

2009 to 2013

Pipeline route looking east of Clinton Rd., up Bearfort Mtn, severing the Terrace Pond North trail.

In March 2011, work on the expansion of the Tennessee Gas Pipeline in northern New Jersey’s Wawayanda State Park became visible (above).

Tennessee Gas seeks to complete a $2 billion pipeline ("Northeast Upgrade") that will extend 105 miles through Pennsylvania and 23 miles through New Jersey, crossing over several state-owned preserves and parks, including the Appalachian Trail, Monksville Reservoir, Ringwood State Park, and the Ramapo Reservation.

Learn more about the Tennessee Gas Pipeline in New Jersey. (July 19, 2011 Trail Conference article)

Pipeline Impact in Passaic/Bergen

Pipeline Impact in High Point State Park
Pipeline through Ringwood Pipeline through High Point State Park
 (click for complete, high-resolution image) (click for complete, high-resolution image)

No position
Issue Updates : 

News Coverage

March 5, 2013: Ramapo College Students Protest Tree Cutting for Pipeline in Park

January 30, 2013: Pipeline Work Closes Trails at Ringwood State Park

July 19, 2012: North Jersey pipeline project gets boost by Delaware River commissioners (Suburban Trends/

July 12, 2012: Delaware River Basin Commission approves water uses for natural-gas-pipeline firm (Philadelphia Inquirer)

July 12, 2012: FERC grants rehearing of pipeline decision (Pike County Courier)

July 9, 2012: Feds to review gas pipeline (Pocono Record)

July 8, 2012: New Pike pipeline unfairly approved, says filing. (Pocono Record)

June 12, 2012: Tennessee Gas gets federal OK to finish pipeline between Pennsylvania, Mahwah

May 29, 2012: Federal commission OKs expanded gas pipeline through Highlands

Highlands Council Expected to Approve Pipeline at Jan 19, 2012 Meeting

Residents raise questions about pipeline (NJ Herald)

The Trail Conference comments on Tennessee gas pipeline to NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection. (Sept. 23, 2011)

Public Hearings were held in July  & August 2011. Click here for the entire NJDEP Hearing notice and details. 

February 25, 2011: The state Department of Environmental Protection has asked federal officials to hold off a review of a natural gas pipeline that will stretch from West Milford under the Monksville Reservoir through Ringwood and into Mahwah because the developer has not submitted enough information. Read story in The Record.

November 12, 2010: Deadline for comments to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

July 2, 2010: N.J. commission stalls approving 24-year lease agreement on gas pipeline project

Comment due date: 
Respond to: 

Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street NE, Room 1A
Washington, DC 20426

or online at