RPH Cabin Volunteers

RPH Cabin Volunteers
RPH Cabin Volunteers - Photo: Tim Messerich

Meeting Place:

Appalachian Trail from NY Rte 301 north (Fahnestock State Park) to Pawling NY.

Work Days:

May run any day


Please check upcoming events.

About the Crew

Trail work projects have included the following since our club was founded in 2007:

  • Stone Retaining walls
  • Wood Bridge Construction
  • Stone Steps/landings 
  • RPH Cabin and grounds maintenance,
  • Roof repairs,
  • Storm event repair/recovery and Paint Blazing / trail clearing.

All tools, safety equipment and training provided on site.

Get Involved

Our club starts trail Reconstruction projects in late March and finishes in late September. Rain or mildly bad weather never shuts us down. We meet every Saturday from 10am to 4pm depending on the location and the project at hand.

We are the sponsor of RPH Work weekend.This is our BIG three day trail maintenance event. The event is held the second weekend of July at RPH Cabin. Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner are served the whole entire week end. Upwards of 50 to 100 people come out for trail repairs at that time.


Website: rphcabin.org
Facebook: Ralph's Peak Hikers Cabin Volunteers Club
PO.Box 93 Stormville , NY 12582  



Upcoming Work Trips

No upcoming work-trips found here.


Stone arch bridge over Seely Brook in Goosepond Mountain State Park. Photo by Marty Costello.
Long Distance Trails Crew Completes Stone Arch Bridge

The repaired stone arch bridge over Seely Brook greatly improves safety and trail experiences in
