Kaaterskill Falls Draft Unit Management Plan Open For Public Comment Until June 5, 2015

May 06, 2015


Kaaterskill Falls Draft Unit Management Plan Open For Public Comment Until June 5, 2015


The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has released the Draft Unit Management Plan (UMP) Update for Kaaterskill Falls in the the Kaaterskill Wild Forest.  

The Draft UMP update makes a number of recommendations for trail and access improvements in the immediate area of Kaaterskills Falls, including the development of new trails, observation platforms and expanded parking areas.  The goal of these improvements is to protect natural resources and improve the safety of visitors and hikers to the area.

Questions about the Draft UMP update can be addressed to Josh Borst, the DEC's Senior Forester at 607.652.3607 or via email at joshua.borst@dec.ny.gov.

Trail Conference has submited a comment letter on the proposed changes that are proposed in the Draft Unit Management Plan Amendment and we urge Trail Conference members and the public to also do so.  

A copy of the comment letter the Trail Conference submitted during the initial scoping session is available here.  

A copy of the letter the Trail Conference submitted in response to the current Draft Unit Management Plan Amendment is available here.


Submit your comments to DEC 

Public comments on the Draft UMP amendment can be made until June 5, 2015 and can be sent to:

Josh Borst, NYSDEC, 65561 State Highway 10, Suite 1, Stamford, NY 12167

or via email at R4.UMP@dec.ny.gov