Submit Your Photos for Display at Bear Mountain

February 07, 2015
Amber Ray
New York-New Jersey Trail Conference


Submit Your Photos for Display at Bear Mountain


Trails for People Banner

The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference wants to share your best pictures from the trail!

Do you have outstanding photos featuring trail crews at work? We are looking for images of trail structures such as turnpikes, puncheons, bog bridges, water bars, corduroy, stepping stones, bridges, climbing turns, step stiles, cribwall, and culverts. Selected photos will be featured permanently in the signage of the Trails for People Exhibit at the base of Bear Mountain.

Please send your high resolution submissions to by February 19th. Include where and when each photo was taken. If there are people in the photo, you must include their names. Limit 5 submissions per person.

Note: You will retain all rights to any photographs you send in other than the following: By submitting your photo to the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference, you hereby grant to NYNJTC (i) a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free license to reproduce, distribute, publicly display, and publicly perform the photographs you submit to NYNJTC, and (ii) the right to use your name, city, state, and country of residence in promotions and other publications.