Granite Knolls Park Map


Granite Knolls Park Map provided by the Trail Conference


Granite Knolls Park MapThis free map of Granite Knolls Park in Westchester County, NY is provided by the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference. It is also available as a free app map on your phone using the Avenza Maps app, so be sure to download it here.

It is adapted from Walkable Westchester, the best guidebook to hiking in Westchester County, published by the Trail Conference. Grab a copy today!

Trails in this park are maintained by Trail Conference volunteers.

While this map may be free to use, our organization needs your support to help protect, build, and maintain more than 2,150 miles of trails throughout the region. Support the trails you love by:


Be sure to check out our selection of other free maps!


PDF icon Granite Knolls Park Map [PDF format]430.07 KB
Trail Conference