Reeves Brook/Raccoon Brook Hills/Pine Meadow Trails...

Harriman-Bear Mountain State Parks

Scenic Torne view from the Seven Hills Trail. Photo by Daniel Chazin. Scenic Torne view from the Seven Hills Trail. Photo by Daniel Chazin. Scenic view from the Raccoon Brook Hills Trail. Photo by Daniel Chazin. Scenic view from the Raccoon Brook Hills Trail. Photo by Daniel Chazin. Reeves Brook/Raccoon Brook Hills/Pine Meadow Trails Loop from Reeves Meadow - Photo: Daniel Chazin Reeves Brook/Raccoon Brook Hills/Pine Meadow Trails Loop from Reeves Meadow - Photo: Daniel Chazin

This loop hike at the southern end of the park follows picturesque streams and climbs to several panoramic viewpoints.

41.173916, -74.168658

From the parking lot, head east (left when facing the woods) on the broad red-on-white-blazed Pine Meadow Trail, passing the Visitor Center on the left. In about 300 feet, you'll notice a white-blazed trail that begins on the right. Turn right onto this trail, known as the Reeves Brook Trail, which follows a woods road uphill. Soon, the trail begins to parallel Reeves Brook, which is to the...

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Trip Reports

rate experience
October 06, 2019
Good workout !
Enjoyed this loop today . Thanks Daniel for the great trail description ! Not too much water in the brooks but lovely views and not many people.
May 05, 2018
Great until it wasn’t
First, I would recommend taking a picture of the trail map which is on the cork board at the visitors center. We had no issues going from the white to the blue to the black. This part of the hike is beautiful, moderate with one very steep section on the black at “pulpit” and very well marked. The place where we got messed up was on the transfer to the orange. We must have gotten turned around and ended up going the wrong direction on the orange. After a while we realized this and because i had a pic of the map, we were able to find our way back to the visitors center via the blue trail -making our hike 7.5 miles instead of 5. If we had done the trail as described, I think it would have been perfect. Just be careful at the black/orange junction.
July 03, 2015
What in Orange Blazes?!
First off, thanks to Daniel for the great trail description. I made this loop in late June 2015 on a Monday (perks of being a freelancer), setting out at about 2:30PM. In the lower portion of the trail along the creek I came across a few folks. Further up along the white blazed and white and black blazed sections, I was all along except for one group of 3 German hikers. They were the only people I'd see until I descended back down along the orange blazed trail. Plenty of wildlife (white tails, squirrels, birds of prey, smaller birds, and tons of grasshoppers & crickets, no snakes even though I was looking).  Speaking of the orange blazed HTS trail... It then climbs an escarpment, first steeply, then more gradually, passing two southwest-facing viewpoints. Near the second viewpoint, a large rock, known as The Pulpit, juts out by the cliff edge. After a short descent, the RBH Trail climbs to reach a junction with the orange-blazed Hillburn-Torne-Sebago (HTS) Trail on an open rock ledge (the junction is marked by paint blazes on the rocks). I could'nt find the blazes at all until AFTER the gas line cut. I bushwacked my way through what is indeed dense mountain laurel thickets until reaching the pipeline cut. Granted, I didn't have a map, but I backtracked twice to no avail before moving on. All in all, one of the better hikes I've had in the area.
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