Harlem Valley Trails Crew Holds its First Trails Maintenance Outing in Wingdale, NY

May 23, 2014
New York-New Jersey Trail Conference


Harlem Valley Trails Crew Holds its First Trails Maintenance Outing in Wingdale, NY



New Volunteers, Beginners Welcome 

The Harlem Valley Trails Crew, born in March at an Introduction to Trail Maintenance workshop at the Dover Stone Church Nature Preserve in Dover Plains, NY, plans to put its newly learned skills to work on the Appalachian Trail Saturday, May 31. New volunteers are welcome; no experience necessary; techniques will be taught as the crew works.

The outing will be from 9am to noon. For info, including meeting place, contact Salley Decker: 845.454.4206 evenings until 9:00 PM by Thursday, May 29, or by email sadecker2002@yahoo.com, thru Wednesday, May 28, 2014.  When sending an e-mail, please put "Harlem Valley Trails Crew" in the subject line. Find additional details on our Trail Crew Schedule.

The crew will clear a local section of the popular trail while practicing the best way to use hand clippers, loppers, and saws; learn ideal trail standards such as proper trail width and tread conditions; and how to report problems that go beyond routine maintenance.

The outing will be led by Hank Osborn, East Hudson Program Coordinator with the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference, who taught the March workshop; Salley Decker, Trail Conference member and volunteer Trails Supervisor for the Dover area; and Bill Beehler, A.T. Supervisor in the Harlem Valley section.

The new volunteer trail crew is the first on-the-ground benefit of the new collaboration between the Dover Stone Church Preserve’s partners and the Trail Conference. Many of the 20 participants at the March workshop volunteered to help maintain other Trail Conference trails in the Harlem Valley, including the world famous Appalachian Trail.

If you are interested in joining future outings of the Harlem Valley Trails Crew, please contact Salley at your convenience. No experience is needed. Training will be provided as needed on each work trip. When sending an e-mail, please put "Harlem Valley Trails Crew" in the subject line.