New Jersey Green Acres

Update date: 
November 5, 2014
2012 to 2014
Issue in brief: 

Results: Voters approved this ballot question.

Vote YES on Question 2

On Nov. 4, New Jersey voters will have the opportunity to vote on Question 2, a measure that, if approved, would dedicate a percentage of existing corporate business tax revenues on a long-term basis to ensure reliable funding for land and water protection efforts.

The Trail Conference urges a YES vote on Question 2. This referendum is not perfect, but it is the only chance we have to secure permanent funds for land acquisition and parks improvement, as well as stewardship of parks.

After passage, it is then incumbent on the Trail Conference, the New Jersey Keep It Green Coalition, and everyone with an interest in preserving our parks to ensure the enabling legislation allocates a significant portion of the funds for parks improvement.

Furthermore, we will need to continue working to ensure parks receive adequate annual budgets.


Under the leadership of both parties, New Jersey has dedicated an average of $200 million a year for open space funding since the creation of the Garden State Preservation Trust in 1998. Most recently, voters approved the Green Acres, Water Supply and Floodplain Protection, and Farmland and Historic Preservation Bond Act of 2009, authorizing $400 million for open space, farmland and historic preservation. Bills that appropriated the first half of the 2009 bond funds were signed into law in August of 2011. 

NJ Keep It Green represents more than 180 statewide, local and regional organizations--including the Trail Conference--committed to land conservation, agriculture, historic preservation, environmental protection, urban parks, hunting and fishing, and other forms of outdoor recreation, working together to sustain funding for the preservation and stewardship of New Jersey's waterways, wildlife habitat, natural areas, farmland, forests, parks and historic sites for our quality of life and future generations.

NJ Keep It Green led successful campaigns to pass statewide ballot measures in 2006, 2007 and 2009 generating $600 million for state open space, farmland and historic preservation programs, as well as dedicated annual funding for capital improvements to state parks and other public lands. Since 2012, when funds were set to run out, NJKIG has conducted a Sustainable Funding Campaign to secure a sustainable source of funding for the preservation and stewardship of New Jersey's natural, recreational and historic treasures for generations to come.
Keep up with news on the issue at our NJ Keep It Green coalition website:

February 9, 2015: Draft Legislation Keeps NJ DEP Development Funding at $15 Million 

August 4, 2014: Assembly Votes to Put Open Space Funding to Public Vote in November.

January 7, 2014: Senate to Vote Thursday, Jan. 9, on 2014 Conservation Funding Proposal

Dec. 13, 2013: NJ lawmakers consider two proposals to fund land preservation

Dec. 9, 2013: Support is growing for a proposal to dedicate 2.4% of the state's existing sales tax to conservation. The bill must be approved by the state Senate and Assembly and then by voters in a referendum. Contact your representatives now and urge them to support SCR165, and get it on the ballot in November. The bill is to be considered by the Senate Environment and Energy Committee this Thursday.


Comment: Please be relevant, civil, non-commercial.

Bob's picture

How can we as an organization that depends so much on cooperation in working with our trail partners; in this case the NJ Parks, go ahead and support pending legilation that will take much needed monies from them for operating and repair. And this SCR84 will surely do that in addition to dissapating funding for environmental cleanups. Of course we all want more open space but at what cost ?  Let's first take care of what we have before spending funds that we don't have.. Please VOTE NO.......on Tueday, if you care about NJ Parks and their health.
tree188's picture

It's time to tell the truth.  This question pits open space and environmental supporters against one another.  The question, if approved, will have un-intended consequences.  The devil is in the details when it comes to funding positions in NJDEP.   As an example, I have observed many concerned comments on this web site about ORV's on public lands and why the State cannot be more aggressive to do something about this issue, regarding the damage the vehicles cause to the environment and the asthetics issues surrounding these vehicles' use in public places.  What will outdoor enthusiasts and hikers say if funding for law enforcement for parks and natural areas is slashed further and law enforcement activities are then further reduced to enforce the laws, regarding ORV's, due to the lack of personnel?  More complaints and no way to address them, which is difficult enough now as it is.  This is but one potential scenario that could occur if this question passes, as budget priorities will have to be re-arranged. Open Space is important.  We all care about it or we would not be members of this organization.  But this is not the way to go about it.  Vote NO on Public Question #2 in NJ on the 2014 ballot.