Incident, Injury and Insurance Protocol

While the Trail Conference makes every effort to emphasize and support safety, the nature of the work may result in accidents. Before starting work, each individual should know what steps to take in the case of an injury or incident. Print the injury and incident protocol and forms before heading out so you can easily reference them if something does happen. All applicable forms available for download below in both Word and PDF versions.

If an incident or injury occurs it must be reported to the Trail Conference and a Personal Incident Report filed within 24 hours or the next available business day, even if medical treatment is not sought.

Volunteers: limited insurance coverage is available if needed.

If an injured individual refuses care, they must sign a Refusal of Care Form after they are deemed to show no evidence of an altered state of consciousness that impairs judgment by completing the assessment on the Form.

Reporting the Incident/Injury

Phone calls should be made directly to the Trail Conference:

  • If the involved parties are volunteers, contact the Volunteer Engagement Manager at 201-512-9348 ext. 841.
  • If the involved parties are paid full or part-time staff, contact the Finance and Operations Manager at 201-512-9348 ext. 823.
  • If the involved parties are Conservation Corps Members, contact the Conservation Corps Manger at 201-512-9348 ext. 819.
  • If the above contact is unavailable, make sure to leave a message, then call the office at 201-512-9348 and select 0 to be connected to the general line.

Document the injury via a Personal Incident Report, even if medical treatment is not sought:

  • Email reports to for volunteer related incidents; to for staff related incidents; or drop off at headquarters.
  • If a volunteer-related injury occurs while working on the Appalachian Trail, fill out the Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s incident report and send it to both the Trail Conference and ATC. This report can be done in place of the TC Personal Incident Report.
  • If a volunteer-related injury occurs while working on OPRHP land, fill out the OPRHP incident report and send it to the Trail Conference. This report should be done in addition to the Trail Conference’s Personal Incident Report.
  • If a volunteer-related injury occurs on National Park, PIPC, NJDEP, NYDEP or DEC lands (etc.), the Trail Conference office or elsewhere, additional paperwork may need to be filed. Complete the Trail Conference Personal Incident Report first and then we will determine if additional reports need to be filed.
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Monday, October 1, 2018
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