Ward Pound Ridge Southwest Loop to Leatherman's...

Ward Pound Ridge Reservation

Leatherman's Cave Photo: Jane Daniels Leatherman's Cave Photo: Jane Daniels

This loop hike traverses the hills of this Westchester County park, climbing to a panoramic lookout over the Cross River Reservoir and the interesting Leatherman’s Cave, and passing a number of other features of interest.

41.248483, -73.595781

Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, the largest park in Westchester County, was opened in 1938. Over thirty farms were acquired for the park, and old stone walls, which once marked the boundaries between the various farms, criss-cross the reservation. The trails – most of which are woods roads – are open to hikers and equestrians, but bicycles are not permitted. Most trail intersections are marked...

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June 14, 2014
Trail Map Link has Changed (again)
Dave A
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