Claudius Smith Den/Parker Cabin Mountain Loop

Harriman-Bear Mountain State Parks

View from Claudius Smith Rock - Photo by Daniel Chazin View from Claudius Smith Rock - Photo by Daniel Chazin Claudius Smith Den Loop - Blue Disc Trail - view from CM Rock - Photo Anneliese van der Wilt Claudius Smith Den Loop - Blue Disc Trail - view from CM Rock - Photo Anneliese van der Wilt

This loop hike climbs to several panoramic viewpoints, including the historic Claudius Smith’s Rock, and goes along the shores of Lakes Sebago and Skenonto.

41.194208, -74.18446

From the parking area, turn left and proceed east along paved East Village Road, immediately crossing the Ramapo River. Continue to follow the road as it bears right, paralleling the New York State Thruway, then turns left and crosses under the Thruway. At the next T-intersection, turn left and head north on Grove Drive for about 800 feet. As the road curves to the left, follow the red-dot-on-...

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Trip Reports

rate experience
November 29, 2019
Very nice hike !
Did this hike today , 11/ 29/ 19. It was mostly sunny and cold in the upper 30's. This hike basically has everything; ups and downs to get your heart rate up , viewpoints and overlooks, multiple water crossings , varied terrain, shelters and even the historic hide out of a Revolutionary War criminal ! It is a fairly long hike and I should have started earlier than 10 am... I'm not a speed hiker so it took almost the full 6 hours Mr. Chazin estimates that it should. Got back to my car at 4 pm..close to dusk. Very clearly blazed trails but some very rough, eroded portions that are real tough on my old ankle injury.
June 13, 2016
Entrance to trail not clear
I walked this trail June 10, 2016. If you have never been on this trail before be careful to take the trail on the left when you enter the woods from Grove Rd. There is also a trail to the right that has a tree at the entrance with a red dot on white marking. It is easy to take the trail to the right which leads to the "O" Orange Trail. I did.  I hiked several miles before realizing I was on the wrong trail. When I returned I saw others going straight for the correct trail so I assume they had walked the trail before. This was my first time. Sadly the Dutch Doctor Shelter was littered with tin cans, food wrappers and empty bottles. I collected everything and put it in a bag but I wasn't able to carry it out. There was a large rattlesnake near the shelter, first time I'd seen one. Not a problem, just mentioning it. Besides these few glitches it was an enjoyable hike.
September 21, 2014
Group Hike Sept 2014
A group of us did the hike yesterday with a slight alteration to the route as I bought the map few years ago. (We've reached the Lake Skenonto and took the Blue Victory (Blue V) --> Ramapo Dunderberg (red-dot-on-white) back to the entrance, which yields 7.94 miles (from parking lot).   The markings were all very clear and the only minor detour we had was swtiching from TMI (red-dash-on-white) to White Bar. Mainly because we were expecting water in the Spring Brook. Unfortunately when we were there yesterday (09.20.14) the Brook was pretty dry and we stayed on TMI until we say White Bar Trail heading south. No biggie.    I love hiking this trail as it is accessible via Public Transportation, but definitely not for the faint of heart. Few of my friends are not in their best shape in terms of they don't walk on a regular basis, but with all the up hills with rocks were a bit of a challege. Nevertheless, we finished the trail a little under 5 hours. The shelter is in good shape for overnight hikers and I've also seen tents set up by Claudius Smith Den
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