Hike Reviews

April 11, 2014
Is this the bridge that is listed as BRIDGE OUT, No Crossing on the 2012 Trail Map 119 Fourteenth Edition that  goes over the Popolopen Creek via the PG T-T 77W and 79 trails? I will be hiking these trails with a group this Sunday and just want to be sure it is possible to cross the creek in this location. Thanks so much!
May 08, 2013
Thank you so much!!
Thank goodness it wasn't just my lack of direction! I'm usually pretty good out there! Thank you so much for clairifying! I can't wait to go attempt this hike again! :)
May 08, 2013
A.T. has been relocated; description has been updated
Daniel Chazin
The A.T. in the area where you got lost has been relocated recently.  This changes the route of the hike, but the description of the hike had not yet been updated when you did the hike.  I know where you made the wrong turn -- you went the wrong way on the 1777W Trail, which is understandable, given the fact that the directions in the hike description were no longer accurate.  The hike description has now been updated to reflect the new reroute of the A.T.
May 08, 2013
Quick Question
I attempted this lovely hike the other day! All went well until the direction "At the next T-intersection, the A.T. turns left, but you should turn right, now following the 1777W Trail (red 1777W on white), which runs along a grassy woods road." When I hit the T-Intersection, the A.T. was on the right and the 1777W was on my left. I figured, I either went too far or was supposed to have continued down the A.T. a bit farther before the intended turn. I did continue down the 1777W Trail for about a mile or so, seeing if I could find the next "step" in the directions (I was looking for the Suffern-Bear Mtn intersection). I passed through a parking lot and came across a sign about the 1777 and 1779 trails (sign #9 I believe).  It was about 3/4 of a mile or so after this that my buddy and I turned around and just retraced our steps back to the car (probably good for us because we got a late start). Were we on the right track and just misunderstood? Or were we completely going the wrong way? I look forward to getting out much earlier and taking this hike again with my hubby--but I most certainly don't want to end up sleeping in a cave for the night! :) Any tips would be greatly appreciated! And thank you always for your awesome hikes!
December 06, 2012
Poplopen Gorge bridge is now open
Daniel Chazin
The 62-foot fiberglass bridge over Popolopen Creek has been rebuilt by Trail Conference volunteers and is now open to hikers. 
November 10, 2012
Just Made It!
Yesterday (Nov. 9, 2012) my hubby and i did this hike. There are lots of blow-downs we had to climb over and around, including one huge batch of prickly brush just past the Doodletown Reservoir that you can't "go around," due to the lay of the land. So we were making pretty poor time to begin with. Then at Fort Montgomery we learned that the footbridge over the Popolopen was still under construction. We'd started our hike at 10:40 a.m., which left little room for error. So instead of following these directions, we walked south on Rt. 9W for about 20 yards and then dodged into the woods on the red-blazed  "Hell Hole" trail. This was OK, though waaay steeper at the start than we needed at that point in our 10-mile hike. The red trail does join up with the Timp-77W (blue and red) trails after a while, thank goodness, but  we JUST made it back to our car before it got totally dark. The good news: There was a crew working on the footbridge, and it looked as if it might be all finished in a day or two!