Hike Reviews

September 17, 2020
Back Three Years Later . . .
As I searched on September 13, 2020 for a moderate to strenuous hike in the 4-6 mile range, I ended up back here, looking at my own comments from exactly three years earlier. In the first half mile there were a lot of downed trees from the previous August storm that had not yet been cut by the sawyer crew. In most cases, hikers had already created spontaneous detours around the trail-blocks. I found most of the description accurate with the same exception: just after Parker Cabin Hollow and the wooden bridge, the trail joins an old woods road turning left, but you will also see orange blazes turning right that mark the start of the Parker Cabin Hollow Trail heading to the west - that made me think twice (again) before turning left/east on the White Bar trail. Late in the hike I was careful this time to anticipate the start of the Nurian trail from the R-D trail where one must turn left up and over the open rock viewpoint to continue on Nurian. I think this spot is one of my favorite viewpoints in Harriman. Heading down from the rock outcrop, watch carefully for blazes, as there are various offshoots of the trail in the first tenth of a mile. As always, I really enjoyed the open stretches of the R-D trail, following glacial striations and getting regular views. In this season of COVID-19, on a beautiful hiking day, there were a fair number of fellow hikers and a lot of campers near the Tom Jones shelter, all but a few following guidelines for masks and distance. I also verified the 5.0 mile distance with an AllTrails recording, and recorded a total ascent of about 1,400 feet.
September 11, 2017
Great 3-Hour Hike From Easier Parking
Took this loop in early September 2017, and found the description to be accurate. There are a number of ups and downs, but not that tough and ascents are not so long. A few comments on the description: just after Parker Cabin Hollow and the wood bridge the trail joins an old woods road but you will also see orange blazes that mark the start of the Parker Cabin Hollow Trail heading to the west - that made me think twice before turning left/east on the White Bar trail. Later, I had to search (like the previous reviewer) for the start of the Nurian trail from the R-D trail. The three three blazes of the start of Nurian are prominent, but one must turn left up and over the open rock viewpoint to continue on Nurian. Watch carefully for blazes, as there are various offshoots of the trail in the first tenth of a mile. As always, I really enjoyed the open stretches of the R-D trail, following glacial striations and getting regular views. Be careful crossing Route 106 in motorcycle season.
February 25, 2017
Tough one, but worth it
Enjoyed the hike on a way too early Spring day on 25 Feb. R106 was closed, but we took the chance drove past the barriers and found the road clear. I suspect they close it over the winter because they don't plow the snow. Unlike last weekend's slashy hike in Sterling, there was no sign of snow today. There are lot of ups and downs and some are a decent climb. The views are worth it. Make sure you swing by the shelter which you will see to the right, .15 mile after you crossed the Victory trial. Don't be tempted to head straight back to your car when you get to R106. Cross it a little lower to the right and enjoy the gradual climb to the top of Black Rock. Make sure you turn left when you see the blazes for the start of the White trail. I saw the Red blaze, that we were on, and three White blazes and for some reason ignored it. Hike about .25 mile until I realized that we're going in the wrong direction. Would love to do it in the late summer again.
April 09, 2016
Requires trail maintenace
completed this hike this morning. The white bar trail has a lot of fallen trees/branches and the trail blazes in some parts are either missing or faded. Otherwise it was a nice hike.
February 21, 2016
Road Closed at 106
Cynthia K
After researching hikes this morning, I happily picked this hike only to find Rt. 106 CLOSED.  After talking wth a driver who came from behind the closed road signs and says he "always crossed through there", I decided to bypass the signs and drive the 2.2 miles to the trailhead.  A group of three hikers passing by, told me they received a ticket on their car for parking there.  And as they were telling me that, a park ranger drove up and threatened to give me a ticket for "passing over the yellow line" and "driving on a closed road".  According to him, Harriman closes the road from Dec 1-April 1.  After my further pressing to understand why, he said Harriman doesn't maintain the roads.  I'm not sure how the Feb 3, 2016 hiker who commented escape unscathed.  The park ranger waited for me to leave.  I sure would have appreciated knowing this road was closed prior to my unsuccessful hike today.  It sure wasn't what I was hoping for today.    THE ROAD IS CLOSED FROM DEC 1-APRIL 1, annually.  The only way you can get to this trailhead, without risking a ticket, is walking the 2.2 miles uphill and next to noisy I 87.  You may want to wait until after April 1.  All good wishes.
February 03, 2016
Good hike, bring a telescope
Good hike, but bring a telescope for the first portion -- the W-B bars are not only tiny, but rubbed out half the time. The telescope will help with finding the trailhead and parking area, too -- we had to backtrack several times. There was some snow on the ground at the trailhead, but it seemed very unlikely that there was any kind of parking area underneath it -- there was a row of boulders blocking the way within several feet of where it seemed you'd pull over. We found a little shoulder on the opposite side of the road.
April 24, 2014
R-D trail from 106
I hiked this area on Monday, 4/21. I noticed a scorched section - maybe +/- tenth of a mile - along both sides of the trail from top of the climb down toward Rt 106.  There was still a faint odor - not sure when it happened.