Hike Reviews

July 14, 2019
Overall In Good Shape At The Moment
Michael K7
I did this hike on 7-13-19, although I skipped the red trail and stayed on the yellow all the way to the white, and I also did an out and back north on the blue trail to the two viewpoints before taking the blue trail back to the parking lot. All trails were in great shape, easy to follow, and clean. There were a few pieces of trash that I picked up, but it wasn't nearly as bad as other times. I did not stay by the pond long, as there were lots of noisy people blasting radios, but the rest of the hike was quiet and peaceful. The highlight of the hike for me was the swamp along the yellow trail- as beautiful if not even more than the pond itself. When I got to the parking area at 9, there were only a few other cars there, but when I was leaving at 1:30, the lot was jammed, and there were cars parked on the side of the road. The area on the blue trail that passes the outlet for the pond is in need of a bridge or some other type of way to pass. The floating logs that are currently there are not reliable. I ended up getting both legs soaked up to the knees. I think the next time I do this hike I will go in the opposite direction, as I would rather be climbing up the steep rock faces on the blue trail, instead of descending them. I will also be bringing sandals for the water crossings.
December 08, 2017
Such a shame...
We hiked the longer loop last weekend and we were really saddened by the amount of graffiti and garbage as we came upon on the trail, especially around the pond. We love this hike and are very disheartened. Also, FYI, a short portion of the white/blue trail, after you climb down those steep rocks, is very wet and could be difficult to cross. There are limbs to use as a bridge but it can be tricky.
July 31, 2016
Parking area P7 on Clinton Rd - for Terrace Pond trails
Take Note:  There is new signage in place at Parking P7 used for Terrace Pond Trails.  Vehicles parked before 8 a.m. and after 8 p.m. will be towed by West Milford PD and NJ State Park Police.  There is continual problem with illegal swimmers, graffiti and mounds of trash left behind.  This affects the enjoyment of others who wish to hike to and around the Pond.  This requires State employees and NYNJTC volunteers to continually remove mounds of garbage as well as covering graffiti.  Not to mention the need for Search & Rescue on a frequent basis.   Therefore, parking is restricted at P7 to Park hours only.  The other parking lot will eventually be completely closed and parking along the road shoulder will be prohibited.  
August 30, 2015
So sad.
Puppy and I did this walk today.  Not a good hike to do on a hot summer weekend. Too crowded from Terrace Pond to the road.  The first 2/3rds of the walk (Yellow Trail south and looping back up) was lovely.   But the trash at Terrace Pond is so sad.  Immense quantities on the north side of the pond all the way back to the south side.  Beer cans, wet clothes, stryrofoam cooler.  I don't mind people partying up there.  I just want them to pack their cr*p out.
June 12, 2013
Missing blaze.
As I read the hike description, there should be no red blaze to turn left there. That intersection from this perspective only a red confirmation blaze should be seen from there. If you continue further there should be a yellow-dot and red blaze under it. Followed by a yellow-dot with a red turn blaze where the red turns back off.  The TP red and yellow-dot are co-aligned at this point.  Trail maintainers are being notified to look into this to help clarify the Intersection and co-alignment. 
May 19, 2013
missing blaze for Terrace Pond Red Trail?
Hiked this in the rain today, still beautiful nonetheless.  At the intersection of the Yellow Dot and the Terrace Pond Red Trail, there is no blaze to go left on the Red Trail, only a blaze to go right on the Red Trail.  So if you continue on the Yellow Dot by going left at this intersection, the Yellow Dot will still take you to the pond and connect you with the Terrace Pond Circular Trail.    
March 13, 2011
We hiked here in late July 2010...very crowded
We hiked to Terrace Pond on a pleasant July weekend and I never saw a trail so crowded!  We followed a tour group of about 40 Korean-American hikers on the trails and when we reached Terrace Pond, approximately 30 additional people of all ages were relaxing and swimming.  Amid this mass of humanity, we still spotted a small bear who fled into the woods when it saw this crowd approaching. If I hike Terrace Pond again in the summer, it will definitely be on a weekday.
February 21, 2011
Terrace Pond North
The Terrace Pond North Trail has been directly affected by constuction on the natural gas pipeline right of way. It is posted as closed to hikers in the affected areas. The "pipeline" parking lot on clinton road is also posted closed to parking. The parking area at the trailhead for Terrace Pond South is open. Access to Terrace Pond is available from there. This situation is expected to last into the summer. Check back here for updates.
February 15, 2011
Swimming and cliff-jumping at Terrace Pond
Daniel Chazin
It should be noted that, under the rules promulgated by the park, swimming is not allowed in Terrace Pond.  At least on summer weekends, the lake is often visited by rangers who will ticket anyone found swimming in the pond.
February 14, 2011
I've been going swimming and cliff jumping at Terrace Pond for about 5 years now. For an eaiser route, follow this guide backwards, starting with the blue trail. It'll take you about 20-30 min to get to the pond that way. It's a really good time, just remember to take your trash out! Also, there are two large snapping turtles that live in the lake. I've never had a problem with them or heard of anyone having issues, but be aware and play it safe.
March 23, 2010
Yes, Clinton Road was
Daniel Chazin
Yes, Clinton Road was reopened to through traffic in November 2009.
March 22, 2010
Is Clinton Road now open to traffic
I tried visiting this spot in the fall of 2009 and Clinton Rd. was closed to auto traffic. Is the road now open?