Hike Reviews

January 05, 2020
Nice hike
I wanted to put an update since the last one was from 2014. Went on this hike today and it was lovely. The markers were easy to follow except that turnoff to the red triangle is still not well marked. Also, once you do turn on the right path, the next trail marker is way down the hill and you can’t see it without going a short while. We ran into two other hikers having the same problem. It didn’t help that the trail was very wet and looked like we might be walking in a stream, which seemed wrong. The triangles can be harder to spot than the aqua but they do make themselves known eventually.
October 04, 2014
Iron Mines Loop - Bear Encounter
Went to do this loop in reverse. So started out on the A-SB trail from the north end of the parking lot. It was a quick hike up to a lovely view of the lakes belows. After following the trail up on the ridge of Pine Swamp Mtn, the trail turns left and descends toward the area on the map called Pine Swamp. it was near the bottom of this descent my hiking buddy and I saw two black bears foraging off the trail and to our left.  The bears continued their foraging; having not run off from the noise we made nor from the whistle I carry. We made noise and backtracked on the trail. At one point we lost the trail head, having climbed over downed branches that were marking a side trail as NOT the trail. Knowing to look for the blazes we soon after realized our mistake and walked back to the trail.  Hope to do this quick loop in its entirety one day. But when hiking those parts of the park that are less travelled or when hiking during quieter times in the park, stay alert of your surroundings. I didn't expect to see bears in this part of Harriman State Park. 
August 26, 2012
Iron Mines Loop
We were short on time, so we chose this loop for our hike yesterday. It took us 2 1/4 hours, including stopping to let our dogs swim at the end. We had no problems following the directions. We've been to the Times Square intersection before, so we were familiar with the cross roads. The instructions for getting onto the A-SB trail were spot on. It was a pleasant hike. The only parts we didn't like were the very beginning & the very end. The parking lot is right next to Lake Skannatati. We've found that parking lots at lakes attract a lot of non-hikers. There was a lot of trash, and TONS of broken glass on the trail. We spent some time picking up a bag full of broken glass and trash. We saw another man near the end doing the same. Once you get away from the lake in the beginning, the trail was fine, until we got to the overlook near the end - that is where the broken glass started again.
June 23, 2012
What a great little hike
The directions were perfect.  We had no trouble staying on track at all.  They definitely could add a few more blazes but it was pretty straight forward.  We completed the hike including about 15 minutes of rest time in 2 hrs and 15 minutes.  It was on the easy side of moderate although there were some steep rocky sections especially at the end.  We saw a deer very much up close that allowed me to take pictures without running off.  The whole hike is very nice but the best part is definitely the scenic overlook at the end.  The view is stunning.  Bring a lunch and eat up there.  The trail could use a bit of maintanence as it was a little overgrown long pants are probably a good idea.  This was our first hike in Harriman and we definitely plan to come back.
January 01, 2012
Great Hike & Directions
Did this hike to start 2012 the right way. After reading others' comments on this hike, we took care to follow directions very closely - they were perfect and we didn't get lost at all. The only word of caution to add is that the trail markers once you get on the A-SB train are spaced farther apart than on the aqua Long Trail. You have to look a little more carefully for them, but they're there! Definitely recommend this hike.
October 23, 2011
Great hike - follow directions (as always)
October 23, 2011 - had a great 2.5 hour (or so) hike starting with beautiful lake scenery, through a gradual rocky ascent over mossy plateaus, down to a vibrant cascade, ending with vistas of the lake. Maybe laying out the basic directions required to accomplish the hike separately at the end of the post would help. The detail provided is very helpful and can make for historical and adventurous hike, but directions to jot down quickly before the hike may help avoid confusion.
October 17, 2010
Determined to make the hike go right, my friend and I set out on it again today but we did aqua then AS-B not the reverse attempt we made last time out. So, last time we never even saw the Times Square rock and only spotted it this time when we retraced our steps after traveling a short way along the merged AS-B and Long Path trails. (It's off to your right on the way up.) Noting our path was looking mightily like last week's escapade, we tracked back and - after some puzzling and a short foray onto yet ANOTHER red trail (red D-O-T) - we picked up the AS-B trail. It certainly does NOT help that the trail blazers are so enamored with the color red. Orange anyone? We were happy to complete the trail within the allotted 2.5 hours (even with a shutter happy hiker). Enjoyed finding the mine shaft , the beautiful overlook of the four lakes and no ticket on our windshield for this time we were NOT still parked there after dusk. We are thankful to finally have experienced this truly lovely route! And yes, map and compass are musts. Wrong turns happen. Suggest adding a heat reflecting blanket. I indulged in bivvy sack, figuring there may be a day when I can probably use it at football game or marching band competition. My Eagle Scout son says pack some matches and laundry lint (great fire starter) .... and plan (hope) to never need them. I also bought a headlamp, but I justified it with the intent to go on a blue moon night hike one day soon. Happy tramping, all!
October 17, 2010
Hike description has been amended
Daniel Chazin

Well, now that two people have reported getting lost in the same spot on the hike, I decided that I should insert a cautionary note in the body of the hike description.  Hopefully, that should prevent others from making the same mistake.  Gwennie, I hope that you enjoyed your hike yesterday. Please let us know how it went!

October 15, 2010
That hike
I got lost on the same hike. I even had a map with me. I made the same mistake by not making the sharp right, I think. Anyway after a bit of bushwacking I was able to make it back to the parking lot by mid afternoon and it wasn't such a bad hike just not the one I had planned. It sounds so nice though. I'm going to try again tomorrow
October 13, 2010
Your hike
Daniel Chazin

I’m sorry you got lost on the hike.  I have carefully reviewed the hike description that I posted on the website, and it is correct as written. You apparently failed to turn “sharply right” at the junction of the Long Path with the A-SB Trail, as the description instructs you to do.  I should also mention (for the benefit of others who may wish to follow this hike description) that if you pass a large rock with the inscription “Times Square” on your right, you have gone too far and should turn around and retrace your steps on the A-SB Trail. In any case where the trail you are following does not match the description of the hike, you should immediate retrace your steps and carefully reread the description to see if you might have made a wrong turn.

Here is a link to a page on our website which suggests what to do if you get lost: 

If You Get Lost | New York-New Jersey Trail Conference

Despite our best efforts, hikers will make errors in navigation.  This is due to many causes:  changed circumstances on the trail, missing blazes, distractions offered by the woods and the company of other hikers.  When hiking, you should always take along a map and compass and know how to use them.

October 12, 2010
Misleading trail description
This trail hike is not well defined and makes it sound like the AS-B trail will unmistakably lead you back to the parking lot where you started. In fact, there are about five different spokes of the trail, all marked by inverted red triangles. We ended up following it far into the woods, with many switchbacks such that it started to feel like a very bad joke. Now being far too along without a matching site and with the sun disappearing behind the hills, we finally bailed out after 2 extra hours by making a beeline for the heavy traffic sounds of the NY Thruway. The AS-B dead ended at Narnia and from there we bushwacked across a field of high grass (and no doubt deer ticks), traced the barbed wire fencing till we found a broken section, and reached the Thruway at mile marker 41.3, just south of the Arden pedestrian bridge. The park police could not understand our location, despite multiple explanations it was the Thruway, they "couldn't find a mile marker 41.3 on the PALISADES parkway" and took over an hour to find us, long after dark had descended on the hills and our fingers had grown numb from the early fall evening chill and having to keep a hand out with cell phone so as not to miss a callback. Never in my 53 years have I ever had to request a "rescue" (and I've climbed the presidentials many, many times)! Who checks/validates these before they are posted? Bring a pedometer or something that tracks distance traveled and check for the supposed trail sightings early and often. We saw many boulders but no remnants of mines, tramway or stone foundations. All in all, an exhilarating day, but not for the reasons intended.