Hike Reviews

June 16, 2020
Fun hike for a family
This hike took us the prescribed 3 hours (with 2 snack breaks!) but our Apple watch said it was 5 miles, not 4, for those who are interested. The first 3rd of the hike is more in the strenuous side of things with a very steep climb up the mountain. We had a group that ranged from 7 to 60 and all of us enjoyed it and were able to complete it. The first third had the most views as well as stepping across the rocks on the stream which is fun for kids especially and the latter two thirds involves traveling through the forest in different terrains(we went in the summer so the brooks were more dried up). Without the perfect turn-by-turn instructions here we would've been struggling so I am very grateful for this clear description. (Only note: When you are leaving the Red-and-White circle trail the description says "marked by a large cairn", it is a cairn but not particularly large just a pile of intentional rocks!) Strong recommend on this hike!
June 26, 2016
Great Hike
Good hike, good directions. Just 2 comments....it sure seemed more than 4.1 miles ....and the one rock climb is a little tough for us octogenarians!
June 22, 2016
Lovely hike!
I enjoyed that we had the entire trail to ourselves and being that it was very well marked, I would recommend it to anyone that is not afraid of a climbing up some big rocks. You do get rewarded after climbing these rocks with magnificent views!
April 21, 2013
Views of NYC skyline
Here are some photos we took on this hike. http://www.agiletrekker.blogspot.com/2013/04/buck-mountain-loop-from-otter-hole.html We were a bit worried by the crowded parking area, but when we left Otter Hold, the crowds disappeared and we had the trail to ourselves. The trails are beginning to show signs of spring with a few wildflowers in bloom already.