Hike Reviews

March 01, 2020
#1 Harriman Hike!!
I have hiked many trails in Harriman State Park over the past 8 years or so and I could not believe that I never did this one! It is certainly one of the best hikes in the region and definitely the most enjoyable and scenic hikes in Harriman in my opinion. It has everything including the majestic Stony Brook on the outset and then again on the return, many huge rock and cliff formations and the amazing views of Pine Meadow Lk , Lake Sebago and the NY skyline from Diamond Mt. There's a historic feature, varied terrain and ecosystems as well as multiple streams and water crossings. Some reviewers seem to think the difficulty rating is not accurate but I think it is rated correctly. There are some portions besides the Diamond Mt climb that require some rock hopping and some careful footing. Not a beginner trail . BTW, as of this writing, the bridge is still out at the Stony Brook crossing but I found it fairly easy to cross on the boulders right next to the downed bridge.
November 24, 2019
Good hike for fit beginners!
I did this hike Nov 23, 2019 and it was fantastic! It was my first time in Harriman and I'm fairly new to hiking. This trail was challenging for me and my friend (who is also new to hiking but goes to the gym often). It took us about 4.5 hours with breaks. Just some notes: once you cross the bridge over Cascade of Slid the hike description (and trail map) says you will turn right and be on the white-blazed Kakiat trail for a short while, but that's not the case (or at least I saw no white blazes here). Just continue on the red-on-white-blazed trail as you have been. The climb up Diamond Mountain is fun and definitely challenging as other commenters have said - make sure you have good tread on your shoes. Also would highly recommend hiking boots with ankle support because this trail is SUPER ROCKY once you hit the Stony Brook trail. This part was also a little rough, but so fun! There are plenty of places to relax and rest if you need.
April 27, 2019
I did this hike today, 4/27
I did this hike today, 4/27/19 and it was really great! The only thing I'll add to the discussion is that the footbridge over Pine Meadow Brook towards the end is still out at this time. There is a narrow downed tree that can be used to cross in its place, which is what I did (very carefully!) Enjoy!
April 17, 2017
Rob Sandt
March 15 2017. A very dynamic hike with lots of scenery changes. I clocked it at 7 miles with my GPS but that included a few short off-trail excursions. A great hike in springtime with lots of water running down the Stony Brook.
May 15, 2016
Excellent Hike
Did this hike today.  Can I say it is an amazing hike.  I agree that this should be rated easy to moderate as the only tough part is the climb up Diamond Mountain and the rocky terrain.   Other than that this hike is beautiful.  Lots of following water, scenery changes and plenty of places along the way to enjoy a Zen moment.   I will defintely be hiking this loop again.
March 08, 2016
More of an Easy to Moderate Hike
Bradley Scher
Did this hike on Sunday (3/6/16).  Other than the short steep ascent up to Diamond Mountain, the rest of the hike was rather easy wth lots of rock gardens to maneuver through.  Should be added to Easy to Moderate category instead of Moderate hike category.   Also, if you miss the turn off to the left after the footbridge above Cascade of Slid and continue on the Hillburn-Torne-Sebago Trail straight, you can get back on to the hike further by following the H-T-S Trail straight to the next footbridge about a mile further (where it hooks up with the Kakiat Trail and the Seven Hills Trail coming from the left (the other side of the brook).  Cross the footbridge and then get back on the red-on-white blazed Pine Meadow Trail going to the right after you cross bridge.
March 08, 2015
Bridge has been replaced
We did this hike today, and found that we could do the hike as originally described - the bridge on the orange blazed trail has been replaced. Nice hike, with views on Diamond Mountain. We saw a lot of blood in the snow on the Stony Brook Trail. Eventually we came upon a dead deer on the side of the trail. Here are some photos: http://www.agiletrekker.blogspot.com/2015/03/diamond-mountainstony-brook-loop.html