Hike Reviews

December 02, 2017
Late Fall
Like the others, i think this hike would be cooler going in the reverse direction. And probably not in the late fall when there are a lot of leaves down. I went in the direction it guided and loved the views, I got to see the mountain i had climbed a week ago, that was a neat suprise. This was the first view you come across. The rest looking to the west (There were several) were ok. Not the coolest, but certainly nice to sit up there. I imagine this hike could be loads better in the spring when everything is singing and blooming, a well as going up or down the Yellow trail, part of which is very rocky and leaf covered.
August 06, 2017
Hiked it July 22, 2017
Started out at 8am from the parking lot. Met several through hikers on the AT so many more now than when I used to hike up here in the 1970's, 80's. I guess a walk in the woods sparked a lot of folks interest :-) Anyway, it was a good hike except for too many signs of civilization, parking lots, car noise, highways and such. Did side trip to Doodletown. Visited the ruins there and the Woodland Cemetery, that was cool. Got back to the car only to find my windows smashed and my car ransacked. So a beautiful day ruined. Drove to Visitors Center on Palisades called the police , waited an hour they never showed so we split. Hooray for Park Support. Be careful out there this park way to close to NYC. I have hiked in many States, East and West, North and South and never had a problem in my 55 yrs. In my home State of New York I got get kicked. Nice! Oh well I am a Brooklyn Boy, shouldn't be surprised.
January 04, 2015
Reverse direction was great
We did this hike on New Year's Day in the reverse direction. In this direction, the amazing views come more towards the end, like dessert. The 1777W Trail going towards Doodletown was very lovely, which is a nice way to start the hike. You're still full of verve and energy, so going up the super steep part this soon isn't a problem. The last view this way is of Bear Mountain, and then you just have to trek slowly down the A.T. switchbacks until you get to the car, which is boring. If you do the hike in the written direction, then this way comes first, which means you get the boring part out first, then the far views, then the steep downhill, then tame but lovely 1777W.
September 26, 2014
Well worth the time and effort
My wife and I took this hike on Sept 22, going the reverse direction from the description provided here. I took the comment about the last half/third being hard on the knees to heart and thought I'd rather do the steeper portion going uphill. Not sure it would have made much difference, though going the way we did we climbed up a steep rock scramble about 1/3 of the way through instead of having to descend it. I'd prefer to climb it. No matter, the hike is beautiful either way you go. Most of the views are saved for the last half of the hike (going my direction) and they are really spectacular. Even areas without distant views are fantastic, lots of mountain laurel to walk through and plenty of open space that lent a sense of expansiveness. One of the most interesting points in the hike were the several stands of Aspen trees we walked through. I'd never seen anything like it around here. You were literally surrounded by them and at one point walked through almost a tunnel created by them. Really unique. A really great hike.
September 14, 2014
Well marked, but might reverse direction
I hiked this route today, 9/14/14 and found the directions quite good, as usual. If I hike it again, which I may do with a school group. I would probably reverse direction, starting with the 1777 trail to the Suffern Bear Mt trail section first. That section is pleasant enough but with no real special features. After taking a break at the very nice West Mt. shelter with a good view of the Hudson, the hike would conclude with the scenic section along West Mt with numerous nice views. Either way it's a nice hike.
June 17, 2014
Ist half awsome, last half tuff on the knees
It was a great hike. I did it in 3 hours. The West Mountain shelter is in a really beautiful location. The view of the Hudson is perfact, and the surrounding meadows with the blooming Mountain Laural is truly magnificent. The long downhill of the SBM trail was tuff on the knees. It is always rewarding to meet thru-hikers on the AP trail. I always shake their hands and give them encouragment. I met 3 of them today.