Hike Reviews

July 01, 2019
Good hike
took the hike with my 8 yr old, first half is fairly continuous uphill climb about 2 miles uphill to the summit hence the strenuous rating, rest is fairly downhill, downhill is not as taxing as the uphill climb but has its own challenges as not to get sloppy with your footing, good hike for anyone that wants more than a flat terrain hike took us 4 hrs total, that included lunch break at the summit and quite a few water/rest stops along the way bring extra water wouldn't recommend as a 1st hike for young kids, but fine for most average kids
June 10, 2019
Great Hike
We took the "Bald Mountain, The Timp, and Doodletown" hike from "Circuit Hikes in Harriman", which is the hike described here, with detour to include the Timp, which adds about a mile to the length. It was a cool, sunny day, and the views from Bald Mountain and the Timp were wonderful, but almost the entire hike was through lovely terrain. Beyond the steep climb to the first summit, it was taxing because large sections of the trail were very rocky. The written directions were excellent, and we would probably have gotten lost a couple of times without them.
July 22, 2018
Pleasant hike
Hiked in the morning of 7/22/18. Took 2.5hrs to complete. First of all, I wanted to say big thank you to mr Chazin and his team for very detailed and accurate directions. Blue and red-dot-on-white blazes are marked very well and so are 1777 for the most part. Only the first 1/3 of the hike is challenging with constant climbing to the summit of Bald Mountain. But the views are rewarding and totally worth the effort. The remaining parts of this hike take your through remnants of Doodletown. The trailhead has a free parking and can accommodate about 5-6 cars.
November 07, 2017
Mileage check confirms 5 mile length
Jeremy Apgar

I'm glad you enjoyed the hike, even if it ended up seeming longer than originally expected.  Your daughter is quite the trooper for completing the loop!

I have rechecked the mileage for this loop as written, using our map with junction-to-junction mileages that are derived from wheeled measurements and computer-generated lengths, and the stated 5 mile length is accurate.  Hikes rated as strenuous can often include steep climbs and/or descents that sometimes make the distance feel much longer than it actually is.

Trail Conference cartographer

November 05, 2017
7.5 miles, not 5!!!
This was a lovely hike, but it was closer to 7-8 miles than the 5-mile length in the description. If I'd known in advance how much longer this hike was going to be, I probably would not have taken my 6 year-old along. That said, she did walk the entire loop, and the views from the peak of Bald Mountain were spectacular even in the misty rain. It would be easier to follow the directions if the distances between landmarks down the mountain were more clearly described - we nearly turned off of 1777E too early three times, based on the "1777E turns left, but stay on the unmarked path straight ahead". Future hikers, stay on 1777E until you get to the sign directing you to the waterfall!!
June 19, 2016
1777 Trail Changes Made?
Just got back from trying this trial today and came out 3.4 miles to the south of where I started on the blue blazes on Route 9W?  Did they do away with the 1777E and 1777W trails?  I never found the T intersection or the old settlement.  And the 1777 blazes (badges on trees and painted blazes) seemd very fresh. Hmmmm....I'm not an expert hiker but not a noivce that I can't find my way around.  Just a warning to everyone else!
November 16, 2015
to Bald Mt summit from 9W by Iona Island
Just hiked it again on Friday 11/13/15 day after rain fall. The stream and small waterfalls were active and beautiful. Thick layer of leaves on a good part of the trail. I'm glad we decided to use the poles. It took us 4 hours to do loop. We had to slow it down alot due to leaves - slipping and losing balance several times because of leaves - wet green slippery moss on rocks. It was quite dangerous at times, maybe that why we didn't run into anyone. The payoff was looking off bald moutain to the Bear mt bridge area.  Don't try it without poles this time of year and anticipate a few falls and risk of injury is at least medium.
September 01, 2015
to Bald Mt summit from 9W by Iona Island
After hiking for about 25 minutes (blue haze) you will come across an unmarked trail which if you turn right will take you towards Doodletown.  After hiking a total of almost 90 minutes following the blue blaze.  Near the top, the Cornell Mine Trail ends at a junction with the red-dot-on-white-blazed Ramapo-Dunderberg Trail. If you want to go to the top of the summit at Bald Mt. make a right on the red dot and white blaze.and in about 10 minutes you will be at Summit of Bald mt. There were about about 4 groups or couples on the top with tents- view is as good as it gets. ***just be kind to little dogs it is more then they can handle- they will need help.
April 05, 2014
Wach out for Ticks
Came home from this hike and found 2 Ticks on me. Make sure to spray yourself before heading out. Made this a little longer and headed to the Timp, went down the T/T and followed the Timp Pass down to Pleasant Valley Road. Great hike despite the Ticks :)
November 23, 2013
Great View
The strenuous climb (thankfully with some switchbacks) up Bald Mountain is worth it for the view from the summit. The Cornell Mine trail is very well blazed now (a few years back it wasn't well blazed and we, as well as some other hikers, lost the trail on the way up to the summit). We had no problem with finding the right way to continue along the R-D trail after enjoying the summit (thanks for the warning about that spot). There were lots of people out on the trails today.   Some photos: http://agiletrekker.blogspot.com/2013/11/bald-mountaindoodletown-loop-from-9w.html
September 26, 2013
good hike - but a warning
I sat down for a few minutes at the intersection of Cornell Mine Trail and R-D -- I guess I got disoriented and took a left on R-D instead of a right. This takes you to viewpoints on dunderberg mountain which I mistook to be the summit of Bald mountain. The trail then goes for another mile down hill to the beginning point of a white blazed trail which was not on the trail map. By the time I realized my error, I was 2 miles down the wrong side of R-D trail. Since there was only an hour of sunlight left I retraced my steps back to the parking lot which meant climbing up dunderberg and down bald mountain in fading light. Just a word of warning to pay attention at the intersection of R-D & CMT.
April 26, 2013
Gorgeous Hike
My husband and i did the Bald Mountain Hike today in 3 hours 40 minutes, despite spending 40 minutes at the viewpoint at the summit. It was a clear, perfect spring day and worth every drop of sweat we shed on that incredible uphill! We also enjoyed reading all the signs marking the homes and cemeteries in the lost village of Doodletown, and we also took the "detour" near the end, down to the waterfall and back. A beautiful and wildly varied hike!
December 03, 2012
Hike 2 DEC 12
Did this hike yesterday.Great Hike even through the fog!  All trails Clear, Great job to all Maintainers!   
October 11, 2012
Bald Mountain/Doodletown
Perfectly crisp fall day for a strenuous climb up Bald Mountain followed by a leisurely amble through the ghosts of Doodletown.  Not only is the view from the Bald Mountain summit breathtaking; just as you start the descent on the R/:D trail, you can see Manhattan on a clear day such as today.  And that cemetery in Doodletown is downright spooky!  Great hike. [photo removed because no access to it]
September 30, 2010
Doodletown loop trail
An excellant description of a great trail. I walked it years ago with the "Green Mountain" group. Always fond memories of a memorable trail. mlmhiker@aol.com
August 06, 2010
Bald Mountain/Doodletown
I did this today and thoroughly enjoyed most of it, including the climb. Glad that the description included a warning abut going the wrong way on RD trail after enjoying the view because I did! Caught my mistake very quickly probably because the warning made me extra alert. The road is not my favorite terrain, but enjoyed that also and had a good lunch at the waterfall. Will try the DD/RD loop next!